gay vampires

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it was a monday morning the first day zero goes to cross academey he was getting ready for it he was putting on his jacket and left to go to the school on his way he sore this boy looking at him from the park he went over and asked what he was looking at

zero: hey you what are you looking at me for

austin and kaname look over

seth: uh well im looking at a right geek

zero: right thats nice of you and im no geek

seth: uh yeah right you are the new kid right

zero: yeah i am well kind of wait why am i talking to you

seth: boys get him

austin: kaname look seth and his gang are picking on the new kid

kaname: lets help him and hurry

austin: hey seth back off you loser

seth: or what

kaname: or you will have to fight me and austin aka leave the kid alone

kaname and autin stat a fight with seth and the other boys

kaname: are you ok kid

zero: yeah fine thanks

austin: did they do something to you

zero: nope im cool

kaname: so kid you are new right

zero: yeah im the new kid and its zero

austin: well zero you have new friends now come on walk with us

zero: if its ok with your friend then yeah

austin: kaname

kaname: yeah sure

gay vampiresWhere stories live. Discover now