Friendzone card!

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I couldn't believe I was wasting a Saturday morning going to a detention I had no part in. Reluctantly, I pulled on a sweet skirt and soft jumper as the January days were still cold. I stopped at the stairs and looked out into the common room, watching James and Sirius battle out a very intense game of wizard chess.

"You bloody shit! That was a sneaking move" exclaimed Sirius. With a roll of my eyes, I stepped out into the room and cleared my throat. He turned his head and grinned at me

"Bye baby cakes!" He winked at his best friend

"Hey! I want my five sickles!" James threw one of the broken chest pieces towards him, missing his ear by an inch

"Later, I've got a date with this one"

"No it's not a date Black, you got us in trouble for no reason to hang out alone. That's weird! You could of just asked me to hang out!" I huffed at him. None the less, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door and stood us in the grand staircase balcony.

"I told you not to call me Black... " He towered over me, his arms holding mine and a distinct look in his eyes looked like he was holding back.

"Well, I'm mad at you, you could of just asked me out not forced me into a situation that would ruin my clean streak again." I pulled his arms off me and began heading in the direction of... Well, I don't know where the detention was actually.

"Max... I like you" It was like megaphone was strapped to his mouth. I turned and smirked at him. Let's try something.

"I mean, I like you too dude, that's why we became friends right?" I played innocent until guilty. His frown fell deeper and he threw his arms up.

"You're not actually going to play the friend zone card are you!" He huffed, stomping over to me and took my cheeks in his hands. "That's not nice." He pouted and like that his lips pressed onto mine, a moment I wasn't expecting to happen between us so soon.

I should of shut my eyes but I was frozen. I watch his eyes close as he deepened the kiss. I felt relaxed and limp at his touch. His lips so soft and sweet, not rough and aggressive like I imagined, if anything Jack's kisses was more that way. He pulled back and looked at me for a second. Triumph and victory was his and soon his smiled dropped to a look of worry and embarrassment.

"Sorry" he smirked, rubbing the back of his head. He took my wrist this time and marched us towards our detention. Not once did he look back at me, not once did he talk. Like an arrow he shoot forward and kept focused on the target.

Please don't let our detention be brutal....

I was very wrong. Our punishment was cleaning the tables in the great hall then moping the whole room too. I could kill him. With our wands taken away, I made him start the moping and I cleaning the tables and benches.

"Does it hurt when you turn into a dog? I bet you can smell and hear everything so well now!" I blurted out. We hadn't talked since we kissed and it was killing me.

"Not really, it's more of an itch feeling. And how do you think I know what you and the girls are always talking about. I know exactly what you think of me!" He wiggles his brows. Surely he's bluffing right?

I threw my wet rag at him and he let out his angelic laugh. I stopped and stared at him. I was falling into a pit of feelings that there was no way of getting out of.

"Ask me out" I sat on the table and watched him, my eyes glazed with lust and excitement, my stomach fluttering.

"What?" He chuckled, putting the mop down as if that would make him hear what I said better.

"Ask me out. I also know how you feel about me" I grinned

"Well yeah! I've been practically crawling for you since you got with brainiac boy" he snorted. He really was very forward. He stood on top of the table and jumped over them to get to me. Now standing in front of me with his child like grin, he placed his hands on my knees and said:

"Go out with me Green! Your mother loves me!" I couldn't help but chuckled and push his shoulder. He came right back and brushed my hair back.

"I am sorry that I kissed you earlier with out asking... I couldn't help it. Since you saw me in a towel yesterday I was going nuts!" He blushed a little, trying not look at me. I held his hands and smiled, knowing that this strong, arrogant pain in the arse in front of me could be sensitive and soft.

"It's okay...James was right after all." I remembered on the day my father passed away, James was convinced we would make a good couple. A few months later and here we are! Finally going on a date..... I wonder what will happen now if his cousins find out we're going on a date this time.


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