Amber, Agate and, Copper

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All the wizards have names

DETERMINATION/Red - Copper Lightvale

BRAVERY/FEAR/Orange/Pink - Agate Lightvale

Justice/Yellow - Roy Goldburg

Kindness/Green - Mailia Rutrow

Integrity/Blue - Kody Fallenfire

Patience/Cyan - Rin Winterway

Persaverance/Purple - Shane Goldburg

Who Amber is:

Amber is a relitive of Copper and Agate, Cami has yet to comfirm what she really is to them, but the most commanly seen theories are that she is either Agate's daughter, Copper's daughter, or Agate and Copper's little sister.

the most likely one is that Amber is Agate and Copper's little sister becuase shown in this pic by Cami on tumbler

If Amber is Agate's child, then she would be 15 when she had her, 15!! And I mean, teenage pregnecy is a thing, but then again I don't really see Agate as the type to settle down and have a kid

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If Amber is Agate's child, then she would be 15 when she had her, 15!! And I mean, teenage pregnecy is a thing, but then again I don't really see Agate as the type to settle down and have a kid

And if Copper was the father of Amber, that mean that he either had Amber with another teenage, OR HE DID THE DO WITH AN ADULT WOMAN!! And another thing, if Copper's the father, then where's the mother!? See what I mean?!

But I know what you're gonna ask 'if Copper, Agate, and Amber are siblings, why do they not have simular soul colors or have at least the same eye or hair color?!' Well I have answer for both of those questions

But I know what you're gonna ask 'if Copper, Agate, and Amber are siblings, why do they not have simular soul colors or have at least the same eye or hair color?!' Well I have answer for both of those questions

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Showed by these 2 pictures from Cami's tumbler, it is completly normal for children with magic to have different eye or hair colors from their family members, same with soul color!

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Showed by these 2 pictures from Cami's tumbler, it is completly normal for children with magic to have different eye or hair colors from their family members, same with soul color!

But Cami said that people with normal eye color have to get a test to make sure that they have magic or not, and Amber's eye color is green wich it a normal eye color, so it's completly possible that Amber doesn't have magic.

But I do find it extremely unlikley that she doesn't have magic since both of Agate and Copper have magic and are very powerful wizards. And Cami said that your entire hair could be the color of your trait and Amber's hair is cyan for PATINCE wich is not a natrual hair color but her eyes are green for KINDNESS

So is Amber's soul PATIENCE or KINDNESS? Well young Glitchtale fan, i'm here to tell you that her soul is both!

So is Amber's soul PATIENCE or KINDNESS? Well young Glitchtale fan, i'm here to tell you that her soul is both!

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In this picture, Cami says that it is possible for someone to have 2 soul traits, but is is extremly unlikey. So this is how we end our aguement on Amber's soul color, it's both cyan AND green :3

So, what else is there to say? Nothing, I think we're done here for now, if you have any questions then ask me in the comments. And if there's something want me to explain on here, comment it

-bye :3

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