Chapter One

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July 1st, 1776. It was a rather boring day. Alfred was out doing who knows what, he left me at home to do his chores. But, he had asked for me to treat him like an adult, not a child, and I respected that. To a certain extend, at least. I was still his older brother, an older brother is supposed to protect their siblings, right? God, I hope I was doing this all right.

I was humming to myself as I cleaned the library, the feather duster slipped out of my hand as the sound of the door opening sounded throughout the house. A smile pulled at my lips as I realized he was home. "America! I bought something f-" I cut myself off as the door slammed, hard. The smile faded quickly as I walked into the parlor, frowning as I saw the look on his face. "Bloody hell, Alfred, you're going to break that door someday..." I said, my voice considerably quieter than the way I usually spoke to him. The usually loud American was quiet, he didn't even look up at me. "Where have you been?" I asked hesitantly, perching on the arm of the love seat.


It was a good thing Arthur didn't ask about where I was going, or where I had been going for the past month. It was probably because of how I screamed at him when he pestered me about "looking presentable out in public". Just the thought of how he wanted me to look good around him made me angry, but as he had reminded me, I needed to control my anger.

I had gone out to meet with the same group of American's that I had seen every two weeks for a month. Today was the day that our plan went into action. Sure, when they had presented the idea of making Britain give us more, I was hesitant. But, when they went into detail about the whole thing I eventually agreed. It couldn't hurt Arthur that much, right? Arthur loved me, and that was all that mattered, he wouldn't get mad at me! Plus, Arthur is my big brother.  He knows I deserve at least a little freedom!  Anyways, they sent me back to get the ball rolling. "Where have you been?" Arthur asked, sitting on the armrest of my favorite seat. "I... Um..." I stammered, gulping. -Come on, Alfred. They're counting on you! Be the hero.- I thought to myself, clenching my jaw. "I need to talk to you, Artie." I said, mustering up as much courage as I could. "I want more. More freedom." I said as loud as I could. "Or I am going to leave."  The second the words escaped my lips, I regretted saying them.  Arthur's face fell. A look of complete betrayal took its place.  What have I done...


"Or I am going to leave." His voice came out strong. Much stronger than I could have ever spoken in this situation. I assume the look on my face is shocked, or at least a bit more presentable and put together than what is happening with my emotions right now.

"You... What?" I frowned, standing. I could hear my heart beating in my ears.

"I want more, Arthur. More freedom, less taxes. I want to be my own country, not some colony owned by the British Empire!" He said, a frown planted firmly on his lips. He tried to step towards me, a confused look on his face. I couldn't get words out. They were formed in my mind, and on the tip of my tongue, but my mouth wouldnt open for them to come out.

"I... I can't Al..." I stammered, looking up into his bright blue eyes. He seemed to deflate as I said the words. He looked down, gulping.

"Goodbye, then, big brother." He mumbled.

"Alfred, w-wait..." I stuttered, stepping towards him. "We can work this out... You can't just leave." I looked up at the man I once thought of as a sibling, the man I loved so dearly. "Come on... Forget about that... I... I got you something today!" I said quickly, running to get the bag I had placed on the piano bench and held it out to him once I reached him again.

Watching him unwrap the package of tea was painful. The blank expression on his face hurt more than the thoughts racing through my head. 


I tried to keep a straight face as the country in front of me was practically tearing himself up to convince me to stay. My heart was breaking, but I couldn't let that show. I couldn't let the rest of my people down.

The tea was beautiful, actually... Surprisingly. I hate tea usually. It's the smell that gets me all the time, and Arthur had always been heartbroken that he couldn't share his country's culture with me.

He had "shared" too much with me.

I was getting angry now. No pity left for the smaller country. I finally realized what the others meant by needing to escape, but now, I needed to escape.


Hello! I'm Scarlet, one of the owners of @Cumberbabes on instagram. I am trying to make this fic have slight historic references, you have to think about the things that happen and relate them to history.  Almost everything in it relates!

The chapters will be short, but there will be A LOT of them, trust me.

I hope you like it! 

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