Birth (Art by Pancakewafflesparty)

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Frosting was born August 12, 1998. His Sister ran away when he was 6, and his mother died when he was 12. All he had was his father and brother. But it all changed when there was a robbery at the bank down a couple blocks. His father was a police officer. He had been called in to arrest the people who robbed the bank, but they had a plan. As the father walked in the bank he walked forward and didn't see anything. But then he felt a gun against his head. "Don't do it..." Before he could say anything else he got shot and fell down onto the ground. As other officers come in they try to run, but they didn't get away.
Frosting didn't find out until he
turned on the news the next morning, he and his brother didn't know what to do. They had no parents, and didn't have any money so they were forced out of their house. Then, a car passing by noticed they were out in the rain. The car stopped. "Are you boys lost? Do you need a ride home?" The kind woman asked. "We have no home..." They replied. "Aww, hop in, ill take you inside and get you some hot cocoa." She said. "Thanks mam" Cat said, "You can call me Rosa, now, lets get you into shelter"...

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