Chapter 1: the show

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Hailey and her fellow theater bff Ally were on their way to rehearsal when they ran into their other bffs Josh and kai 

K: hey Hailey hey ally

J: sup girls

H: hey kai hey josh nmu

A: hey hey hey let's get going before the director yells at us for being late

K: Josh and I are going out for milkshakes after rehearsal do you wanna join us

H: of course 

Hailey smiled and blushed

Kai reached for Hailey's hand Hailey took his hand and smiled

Ally walked between them and pried their hands apart 

A: no canoodling on "theater premises"

josh bumps ally

J: hey I know you like me 

Kai and Hailey go back to holding hands

Ally is left speechless how does Josh know that she likes him

A: how did you know 

J: the four of us are bffs we tell each other everything 

*after rehearsal at Johnny Rockets for milkshakes*

J: so Ally do you wanna go out on a date like just the two of us some time 

A: umm idk 

Ally texts Hailey  " hey Josh just asked me on a date whut do I do?"

Hailey texts back "just be urself if you really like him go for it"

K: Hailey can we talk alone outside for a minute 

H: yeah sure 

*outside Johnny Rockets*

K: ok so I have a confession  

H: spill...

K: so as you know we've been bffs since elementary school and I know you've liked me since we first met and I have too and idk how to say this

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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