Attack on titan (crossover fanfic)

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---(So hey guys i got this cool idea about writing another attack on titan fanfic with other random characters that i made up and some from other animes mixed in so dont get confused if characters that arent from SnK appear and if shit starts to get really messed up because it might end up being a bunch of different romances combined into this one story. it's also an AU where they're in highschool. i made it to make up for not updating my other fanfic recently.)---

-(Intro: non specified POV)-

Eren came bounding off the steps of his back door, landing with a * thump * on the concrete. "Come on Armin! We're gonna be late on the first day back to school!" He said, thrusting his fist in the air. Armin sighed and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "What are you so excited about?" Armin asked. Eren turned around and groaned at armin, "Becauseeee jean, Sasha, Connie, Marco, bertholdt, Reiner, christa, Ymir, Mikasa, and Annie are all gonna be in our class this year!" Eren spewed, all with one breath. Armin seemed to brighten up a bit, "oh yeah I forgot about that! Well I guess that is something good to look forward to today!" He said and straightened up a bit. "Also, we are getting a lot of new students this year, I'm kinda excited for that to." Armin added as they neared the school. Eren smiled and nodded, "yeah, hopefully some cool people." he said before hopping up the last step to the school. he stood by armins' side, clutching the strap of his backpack and taking a deep breath before opening the door for armin and following closely after. his senses were filled with all sorts of busy sounds and smells. it seemed like an eternity since he was last in here yet it felt so familiar. he hadn't realized how much he had missed the old school. it made him feel all sentimental. He was snapped out of his thoughts when armin nudged him."Eren stop zoning out and pay attention, i see the others, lets go" he said and dragged Eren over to where the large group of teenagers were standing. They all slowly looked up and turned to see the two approaching and shifted to make room for them in the circle. They all wore different expressions, some were happy, excited, angry, nervous, but they all had the same vibe coming off of them. They were all a little too quiet and a cloud seemed to hang heavily over their heads. Armin and Eren both noticed it but Armin spoke first. "ummm hey guys... long time no see! why so quiet?" he asked shyly. They all shuffled their feet or shrugged their shoulders and said "ah, ya know, its just gonna be weird getting back into school again." and they all agreed, nodding slowly. the mood seemed a little dull but eventually it faded and they were all pulled out of their trance. they had all just been lost in thought but once the conversation started it didnt slow until the bell rang, signifying the beginning of the first day back. The sound of feet shuffling to get to homeroom and the chairs and desks being moved around, filled the hall ways. Loud conversation continued on as people proceeded to greet each other until the tearcher called for order. "Hello students, welcome back! let's begin!"

---thats all for now guys! let me now if you liked it and tell me if you want more. also if you want a character to show up in this fanfic let me know who they are and tell me a bit about them and i'll see if i can make it happen. also, if you make up your own interesting character with enough detail and description and want them in this fanfic i might think about adding them in. they just need name, gender, age, approx height, personality, talents, like/dislikes, relationship status, and personal history. if you make up a cool character that fits with the story then i'll see what i can do and see if i can add them in. ill try and update soon! bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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