The Proposition

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Because of the time turner in her 3rd year Hermione is 23

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Because of the time turner in her 3rd year Hermione is 23. Also Lucius was a spy with Snape from the beginning. Dumbledore isn't dead and McGonagall is Hermione's mom.  Also there will be a bit of Ron bashing since I don't like him.

Tomorrow was the day. She couldn't wait to walk up to the headmistress and get her diploma to show everyone that being an 'insufferable know-it-all' wasn't such a bad thing and hard work did pay off. However before that could happen she had a party to attend, one that she didn't want to go to. Having no date was pretty pathetic considering she was part of the 'Golden trio' as everyone in the school liked to call her and her friends Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley. She was just making rounds when she saw a big black panther walking towards her. Running from it she ran straight into the new defense against dark arts professor, Lucius Malfoy. 

"My, my , my, what have we here miss Granger? Running from the mass of boys trying for a dance to the ball?" He chuckled to cover up the jealousy in his voice at the thought of any boy from this school dancing with her. Hearing a growl from behind Hermione, Lucius pulled the shaking girl behind him before chuckling. " Severus my friend. Please transform back, the poor girl is shaking." 

Severus Snape, Potions master stood where the black panther stood laughing at her. " My apologies miss Granger it was not my intention to frighten you, although it was amusing. I was merely out for a run when you stumbled upon my return to the castle." Making his way towards her he pulled her into his arms resting her head against his chest. " My dear girl it was never my intention to scare you so."  

Hermione for her part was so scared and shocked that the stress of passing N.E.W.T.S and graduation on top of this caused her to sob and pass out in his arms from exhaustion . Lucius looked from his long time friend to the young woman who held both of their hearts. " Severus, do you think it wise to ask her tonight considering the circumstances? After all, it is her last night here as a student. We can always wait till after the graduation so she has had the time to process leaving here." He came to help him support the young woman. " I understand that Luc, but you as well as I know that if we wait too long she will refuse to even consider it. After all, our little know-it-all loves to think about everything at least a full 24 hours before doing something rash." Agreeing to this they both carried her to their rooms.

2 hours later Hermione woke to soft sheets, the smell of parchment, peppermint, potions and something else she couldn't quite place but it smelt wonderful. Sitting up she stretched her muscles and yawned loudly before making a purring noise after opening her eyes to the darkness. Hearing someone approach she transformed partially letting out a warning growl while on all fours ready to pounce. "Easy there witch. You don't want to overexert yourself." Came a silky voice from the doorway. " Now why don't you remove the claws to Lucius' and mine bed before you shred it to pieces." 

Blinking to refocus her mind Hermione's breathing went back to normal as her claws retracted and she changed back to normal. "Sorry about that professor, I get like that sometimes ever since the war." 

"It is of no matter miss Granger. However I do have a question on how you managed to change just a few aspects of yourself without fully transforming." He asked with his calm silky voice.

"Well you see sir, when was in my second year I had an incident with cat hair and polyjuice potion." Looking down embarrassed she continued, " I put cat hair in the potion instead of the person I was supposed to turn into and I find that I still hold some characteristics from being in that form. Also while on the run I managed to become a full animagus." Getting up from the bed she remembered something that he said. " Sir, if you don't mind me asking, you said this was yours and Professor Malfoy's bed. Does that mean you two are involved?" after asking her eyes went wide " I'm so sorry sir, that was inappropriate of me." Rushing past him she ran into something solid and fell backwards. She would've fallen had it not been for the 2 pair of arms that came out to catch her. One wrapped around her waist and the other under her shoulders on her back. 

Regaining her balance she looked down after blushing from feeling the two men she loved the most have their arms around her.  Stop that Hermione. They don't like you like that and they're obviously involved with each other if the bedding situation didn't scream it loud enough then the looks should have. 

"Miss Granger, if I may answer you're question. Yes Severus and I are involved with each other but we have an open relationship and we were hoping to add a third person to our relationship." Hearing Hermione's breath hitch at this Lucius continued while leaning forward to whisper into her ear. "We were hoping that person could be you. What do you say little witch. Would you like that?"

Shivering, Hermione nodded and felt Severus wrap his arms around her neck as his lips found her neck. "Say you want us little witch. Use your words" his silky voice whispered in her ear before taking it between his teeth. 

Moaning she said "I want you. Both of you. Please sirs." she leaned back and moaned louder as Lucius kissed the other side of her neck. "Please I've wanted you both for so long."

Hearing the clock chime 8 o'clock the men stopped and had to pull away leaving a disappointed and aggravated Hermione. She growled at them in warning for them to continue but when they stepped away from her She looked at them and realized they wouldn't be doing anything tonight.

"I'm sorry my little lioness,  but it appears as though we are all late for the ball. We must be off or else the headmistress will have all our heads." Lucius reasoned with her. " Know that we will continue this at a later date, you can count on this my little know-it-all." Severus continued. 

Sighing in resignation she walked past them not looking back. Just as she was reaching the door she was wanked back and kissed by Severus but before she could breath properly Lucius grabbed her around her waist and kissed her as well. " Goodbye our little lioness, we shall see you again after the ball, save us a dance dear."

Leaving the room she swayed her hips knowing it would drive the two men crazy.

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