Want a Taste?

13 1 0

Words: 3,777

Pairing: Vampire!Tao x Vampire!GN!Reader

Warnings: mentions of blood (a lot), dry humping

Note: I've been watching a lot of Vampire Diaries lately so the vampire species in this story is the same as those in the show. I'm thinking of doing a part two. Let me know what you think!

Blood. It was all you could think about. It had been too long since your last meal and you could feel yourself growing weaker by the hour. The aching in your teeth. Your sense of smell being stronger than ever. Your mind and body doing anything they could to drive you to find your next victim.

And succeed they did.

You had set one foot out of your apartment and were already hit by the scent of the crimson liquid your body craved oh-so-badly. The scent was unmistakable. The same scent that had driven you to do things you weren't proud of. Had led you to dark parts of the world. Made you question every moral your human self had built up.

But you were far from human now.

Using your vampire speed, you followed the smell as fast as you could. Flying down the 14 flights of stairs rather than taking the elevator. Luckily, the other people in your complex didn't have the advantages you had so they didn't take the stairs unless the elevators were broken. You were led to the alleyway of your apartment complex and the bar right next to it that you frequented. It was dark, but you could still see the figures in the night. You could see the woman laying there-nearly dead-as the man in front of her stared blankly at her.

From where you stood, you could see the blood on his lips and chin. You could see the stains of what you could only assume was the woman's vital fluid plastered on his white button up-probably not the best choice of clothing for his... hobbies.

From his profile position towards you, you could tell little about his features. He was tall, that was for sure; lean and with hair that seemed almost professionally styled. His nose seemed a bit large, but complimented his silhouette nicely.

Blinking, you averted your eyes back to the woman. She was shaking, staring up at the man with fear more than prominent in every feature of her being. From her cowering curdled position on the damp concrete to her wide eyes that seemed unable to move from her attacker. She was immobile. Her legs probably being too weak from blood loss to carry her.

You watched as he squatted down in front of her, his eyes never leaving hers. A smirk spread onto his lips as he tilted his head slightly. He was antagonizing her. Lifting his hand up, he caressed her chin and lifted her head upwards. She let out a whimper as he leaned his head in towards her neck where you could now see two puncture wounds surrounded by blood.

The sight caused you to let out a soft gasp. Not out of fear or shock, but out of craving. You wanted nothing more than to dart over to her and drain what little was left of her. You wanted to relish in her taste and soothe the aching in your fangs.

The sound caused the man to shoot his head in your direction. There was a moments pause before he flashed in front of you. He towered over you and stared into your eyes with an unreadable expression.

His eyes. His eyes were like none you had seen before. They were narrow and flirtatious. Secretive and seductive. Cat-like.

Your own eyes drifted down to his lips. The same lips smothered in what you craved more than anything in the world. The same lips that had wrapped around the woman's neck and aided in draining the liquid from her body. The same neck that was still bleeding out merely a few feet from you. The same blood that was so strong in scent that you could do nothing other than think of it. Crave it.

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