imagine for Shannon

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"Shannon!! Shannon!! babe get up!!" Luke said shaking you. you slowly woke up to see Luke rushing around the bedroom finding some cloths to wear.

"Luke!!" you shouted but he paid no attention "LUCAS!!!" you shouted louder you knew if you called him that he would listen he rushed back in the bedroom in his boxers and you said to him

---" jeans in the first draw, and shirts in the 2nd" 

--- "you get up i will be waiting for you downstairs" he replied kissing you on the forehead and getting dressed.

'had he completely forgot it was our anniversary? why did he wake me up at 7 in the morning all i wanted was to stay in bed and cuddle all day but noooo he has to get me up and take me out somewhere' you thought to yourself so you got up got a shower and got ready slipping on a lovely summer dress doing you hair and make up and going downstairs to find Luke had gone! on the kitchen table of the apartment you shared with him and the boys was your breakfast, roses and a note saying

----hey beautiful im soo sorry i had to wake you and leave like this boys needed me for a rehearsal or somet like that meet me at our spot under the tree at 12----

by the time you had eaten you breakfast and sorted out your roses it was 11 you set off to meet Luke.

you got to your special spot to find Luke all dressed up with the boys behind him you waked up to him and was about to hug him when he got down on one knee and said "Shannon, from the day i met you under this horrible old tree i knew that you was the one! took me a while to make you mine but i did it and here we are again and i really want you forever! Shannon will you do me the huge honour and marry me?" you started to cry he was looking up at you with his big blue eyes who could say no to them? you thought

"yes!! of course i will" he got up gave and placed the ring on you finger before picking you up spinning you around before kissing you passionately.

3 months later you wedding day

Luke had planned everything so you had no idea where you was going. the morning of you wedding he left you a note saying 

--be ready by 1pm your ride will pick you up and bring you too me i cant wait to see you beautiful! 

you just got out the shower when your bridesmaid turned up you shouted her up and she helped you get ready 

hair and make up perfect you thought 

---time for the dress" your friend said

perfect crystal white dress with a dark blue ribbon and veil with small blue butterflies on it 

it was time everything was perfect you opened the door to find a limo waiting for you you climbed in and set off. you couldn't see where you was going because of the blacked out windows. the limo came to a stop and your friend got out first. you was greeted to a small crowd in a familiar place your dad held out his arm. as you got out you noticed the tree!

then Luke and the boys all dressed up under it with your friends and family and the odd security guard dotted around to ensure fans couldn't ruin you special day.

you dad walked you down the isle and gave you over to Luke who was wearing a dark blue tie to match his eyes and you ribbon. you both said you vows and the preacher said 

---"you may now kiss the bride"

he pulled you close leaned you back and kissed you before saying

--hope this is everything you ever dreamed of Mrs. Hemmings"

--"nope!" you replied "its soo much more" you said smiling form ear to ear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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