Agony's Embrace

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I sigh, saying to myself "Once again, a woman's left unsatisfied...". I quickly wipe the blood of my victim off onto my inner thigh making sure that my hands are blood-free. "We have to stop", I thought to myself, but another voice in my head said "But honey, we can't feel without this". I take a look at myself in the mirror, staring heavily at my self for a moment. My demonic lashers at my back bloodstained from my latest kill, my hair messy and untamed, and my eyes... My soulless heavy eyes. The remorse slowly begins to set in and I have to remind myself, "This is who you are, this is what you do, it's what you were MADE to do". But a part of me can't help but feel just the slightest bit of remorse for my victims.

I mean after all, I'm great at what I do. I smirk and stand up taking one more look at myself in the elongated door mirror. "I am gorgeous after all, no wonder people give in so easily". The young Zaun man, barley into his twenty's lay on the ground covered in his own blood. I found him earlier wandering outside of a local bar, he wreaked of alcohol and sadness. The first time I saw him I merely shrugged him off and thought "He's nothing but a bar rat, his life is already full of sadness, he won't react to torment". This thought twirled about my mind for a moment and then I decided that I might as well follow him. He was drunk and stumbling, barley managing to keep his balance as he walked along the sidewalk.

After several minutes of stalking he turned around, had I made a sound? Did he feel my presence? Or had he just merely forgotten where he was due to his intoxication? But none of my assumptions were right. He shrugged and continued walking until he made a left and walked down a dimly lit alleyway. Of course I, driven by the thrill of the hunt, followed him closely making sure to stay quiet so he didn't hear me lurking alongside him.

We reached a dark wooden door that I could only assume was his home, he pulled out a key of his back pocket and struggled to get the key into the lock before finally opening the door. I stood there wondering, "Should I give up? Search for a victim that's more sober and susceptible to feel my embraces? No. I need to follow him, I've already come this far". And with that, as he opened the door and slowly shuffled inside, I had already ran past him inside before he could get a chance to shut the door.

I was in, I looked around at the grimy dark room. There was a single candle lighting up the entire room but there was only enough light to see the man's face. However I had no trouble seeing everything in the dark room clearly, the old books tossed on the ground with pages torn from them, the rats scurrying along the dark floor searching for their next meal, and in the middle of the room stood the man against a small wooden drawer. He pulled out a glass bottle that I can only assume contained liquor, and poured himself a shot. He did this two more times before putting everything up, grabbing the dimming candle that lit the room and stumbled upstairs.

His steps are loud and make the stairs creak with each step he takes. I smirk and walk right behind making sure to never leave my victim unattended making no noise. "This is it", I thought, "This is the thrill I oh so desire". He let out a yawn, and without putting on his bed clothes, layed on the bad and put the candle out. I sat down on a chair next to the bed, crossing my legs sophisticatedly devising my plan of attack. By the time I had my plan thought out, he had passed out snoring heavily with each breath he took. Then came the voices in my head "Flay him alive!" one said, "Rip out his tounge through his neck!" ringed another. Despite the voices telling me numerous intriguing ways to end my victim's life, I chose to go with whatever works.

I leaned down and spoke softly in his ear. "Wake up sweetie" I said gently, "Evelynn's here for you, oh come on don't you wanna wake up and play?". His ears perk up and his eyes open wide to stare at me.

"Who... Who are you?" he says, with a bit of excitement in his voice. There it is, I feel it, human lust and I snicker at his animalistic human desire. "Shhhh..." I say in a seductive tone, "I'm whoever you want me to be". His eyes widen and he reaches out a hand to caress my cheek. "Why are you... here?" his eyes become locked with mine. He's mine now. "I'm here for you love, I'm here because you deserve me here". I smirk at him letting him fall victim to my embrace. He leans down and kisses me, I can taste the alcohol on his breath. He pulls me onto the bed and I kiss him back deeply.

"Can you be mine?" He pulls away from the kiss and asks shyly. "No... but you're mine" I smirk and my demonic lashers become visible once again. His eyes widen at the sight of them. I pin his wrists down to the bed. I cover his mouth with one of the lashers and trace a heart on his stomach with the other. His screams are muffled and he tries to fight back. "Naughty naughty...that deserves a lashing". The tip of my lasher rests on the mark where I traced the heart and pokes slowly. He tries to scream louder but still can't get the sound out. The lasher digs deeper until the tiniest drop of blood seeps out from under the tip.

The moonlight shines on the bed through a broken window in the ceiling. The man begins to sweat, his face turning a bright red due to his struggling. "Hmm... shame" I say with seduction in my voice, "I never even learned your name". I shrug and begin to cut out the heart shape on his stomach with my lasher. He screams but they're still inaudible, a tear begins to shed from his scarred left eye. The blood flow intensifies and I relish in the torment. I take my lasher away from his mouth and he screams for help.

I lean down and kiss him deeply, he tries to resist but he's too entranced by my beauty. His face wells up with tears and he lets out while sobbing, "Why me?! Why me...". His voice is fading, he'll soon take his last breath. I hold one of my claws up to his lips, and with the most seductive tone I can muster I utter, "Shhh...Let Evelynn take over...."

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