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Hi! Welcome to my first zodiac book!

I have no clue why I made this!

If you don't know your zodiac, heres a list:

Aquarius- January 20- Febuary 18

Pisces- Febuary 19- March 20

Aries- March 21- April 19

Taurus- April 20- May 20

Gemini- May 21- June 20

Cancer- June 21- July 22

Leo- July 23- August 22

Virgo- August 23- September 22

Libra- September 23- October 22

Scorpio- October 23- November 21

Sagittarius- November 22- December 21

Capricorn- December 22- January 19

Note- These are just stereotypical versions. I am not assuming that all people born under these dates are like this. They are stereotypes. Like how a stereotypical American white girl likes her Statbucks, American white boys like American football, and all southern people have accents. Being an American white girl, I know stereotypes do not mean anything at all.


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