The Beginning Or The End?

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I can not believe i'm writing this, although, my excitement over the recent occurrences is far too great to be denied. However, I warn you, for the following stories have driven even the sanest man to his breaking point, even the bravest to his knees and even the brightest of minds to doubt, in all what logic ever meant. I say meant, for there is logic no more, there is just insanity and fear, a fear so deeply rooted that it becomes you, transforms you, into something else. I must thus report this, for it to be studied by greater men, perhaps men who will understand it. Before, I too, like so many others, lose myself in my own mind, never to visit the plains of reality ever again. This is your last warning, the following stories are, at this moment driving me insane and I'm not sure you are entirely safe just because you are reading this, rather than it happening to you in person. I'm about to tell you, the stories of sir Arthur Niel.

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