I don't like her

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"Its been going on for years! I see the way you look at her Keegan!" My best friend Jake yells at me as I walk off from him.

My name is Keegan, I'm a junior in high school and I don't fall in love. Before I get to all that, let me really introduce myself. I'm 16, I live in Virginia and I'm straight. I live with my mom in a small house a few blocks away from the school that I go to. Forest crest high school, also known as hell. I've been here for my whole high school life. I've lived in forest crest my whole life, there isn't anything here other then seeking out and going to the park with friends at night. The asshole you met earlier is Jake, my best friend since we were like five.

Now to the subject we started on. I'm not gay, you can't tell me I am, I like guys and I have and always will! That girl he was referring to earlier is Maddie, another friend of mine. We've been friends since diapers. He thinks that I like girls, more specifically, Maddie. Maddie is gay and I have nothing against that, but I don't like her like that. Yes she has pretty brown hair that flows down to the middle of her back. Yes she has pretty grey eyes that sparkle if you look at them long enough, and beautiful light brown skin that's soft and- I uh, i don't like her I promise! I just can appreciate her beauty, she is my best friend. Even if she liked or likes me or whatever the case would be, she knows that I don't like girls.

"For the last time Jake!" I grab his shirt and pull him close to me. "I don't like her!" He laughs and picks me up and sets me aside. I kick the air and scoff. "Im short I get it. Doesn't give you the right to just pick me up and move be around." I fold my arms and pout. "You look so adorable when you do that. Now let's get to class." It's first period and I sit next to my friend, just friend nothing else, Maddie. "Ah! Keegan, how was your Sunday?" She says giving me a big hug. "You know how it was, you were with me. Just like every other Sunday." I say ruffiling her hair. "I know, I just wanted to hear you say it." She smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek like friends do. I though I saw her wink but it's probably just my head messing with me. I don't know whynit would though. The year is going to be a long one.

Hi yes, some of you might be here from my other wattpad so hey. I'm writing a new book and yeah all that good stuff. Constructive criticism would be great! The chapters will be longer hopefully so yeah!
Would you like shorter chapters out sooner or longer chapters out later?

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