Another World

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Chapter 1-The Switch

Sierra’s POV

UGH!! MOVE YOU IDIOTS!! I thought some dirty words in my head as I tried to tear through the mob of screaming fans. I finally found an area with enough open space to call someone without having my phone thrown out of my hand. I called Danielle and impatiently tapped my foot. I had no idea where I was, or where Danielle was. England was such a confusing place, it was like a maze!

“Hello?” Dani answered after the third ring.

“WHERE ARE YOU?” I screamed over the screaming of the fans. I was outside the hotel that Dani and I were staying at. She had purchased 2 tickets to see One Direction’s concert in the O2 arena, and begged me to go with her. I gave in after she promised unlimited food whenever I wanted. Food was like my idol; I’d marry food if it was legal!

“I’m in the hotel! I just checked in, and now I’m in the elevator going to our room. It’s room 403!! HURRY!!!” Dani rushed.

“I’m TRYING, Dani, but there’s a mob of fans screaming outside the hote-”

My Blackberry had been knocked out of my hand, and fallen on the floor. When I looked up to see who it was, my head bumped into the person’s jaw, and his hand automatically went up to support it.

“Shit, I’m so sorry!” I said, reaching down to look for my phone.

“It’s fine, I was the one who bumped into you in the first place.” He said whilst reaching down to look for something as well.

“What are you looking for?” I asked, seeing if he was polite enough to help me.

“My mobile phone,” He said, looking around, “I dropped mine as well.”

“Oh, what kind is it? I’ll help you, while I’m looking for mine.” I said, trying to help the poor guy. After all, I hit his chin with my head whilst trying to get a glimpse of him.

“Blackberry, how about yours? I’ll help you as well.” The boy said, gazing into my green eyes.

“It’s a Blackberry too. Oh, here it is!” I said, reaching out to grab it, “Thanks for trying to help.”

“No problem, the pleasure’s mine. I found mine too; I should get going. Where are you going?” The boys said, reaching his hand out to help me up. I reluctantly took it, not knowing what he wanted with me.

“Don’t worry, I don’t bite.” He chuckled, and moved his sunglasses further up his nose.

“Yeah, I’ve had bad experiences...” I trailed off.

“So what’s your name?” The mystery boy asked.

“Sierra, and yours?”

“Niall, nice to meet you.”

“So what brings you here?” I questioned, pressing the end button on my phone to check the time. It was almost12, and I still wasn’t in the hotel.

“Well, I...” Niall started, but didn’t get to finish because a random girl started screaming at him.

“OH MY GOD!! YOU’RE-” Niall cut her off, and took my arm. “RUN!!” He yelled.

“Do I have a choice?” I muttered, looking at his hand clasping my wrist.

Soon, we were in the lobby, safe from the fans.

“What was that about?!” I shrieked, throwing my arms to my sides.

“Uhh...well...” Niall stuttered.

“Whatever. I need to get to my friend. See you around.” I called, waving back to him as I went into the elevator. As it closed, I saw Niall waving to me and smiling. I sighed, and pressed the ‘4’.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2012 ⏰

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