My mind

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What if I killed myself

Would anyone care?

I ask that question all the time

I know no one would care

Who would?

It's ME

I say I've given up but I haven't

I care too much about others

I say I'm fine but I'm not

“I hate people “ is what I say so I don't get hurt

I love to be alone but at the same time I don't

Everyone knows what they want to do, and me?

I have no clue

I don't even know how long I'm going to keep going

I hate bothering people

I seem like an ass but I don't want to get close

Being close means you're going to get hurt

Mental pain hurts the worst

Physical will go away eventually, mental will stay with you forever

People say the are depressed but they aren't

They don't watch what they say cuz they are afraid of fucking up

It hurts talking

I like to keep my pain on the inside because no one will have to worry about me

I say I want to die, but I'm so afraid of dying

I wish there was a restart button

I wish that I never made friends

Having friends hurt, but it feels so good

I could never take my life cuz I'm too scared

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2017 ⏰

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