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Hi my name is Rose Santiago I'm 18 and have blond, purple , and blue hair I'm 5''1 and i live my life as a nerd, fighter, and Street racer. I don't have and family they all have died in front of my eyes so yeah the where all tortured to death my dad was a gang leader which i took in his place so i can have a good life.
So lets begin on my life story starting here...

Beep Beep Bee...
Oops that's the fourth one this week. Why did it go off. Oh yeah i forgot its Monday. Anyway time to get ready.
So i walk into my walk in closet and go to my nerd section and get out a pear of sweats and a baggy shirt.
I almost forgot my fake glasses.
Time to walk to school i have to be there before a lot of people because I'm a nerd. Okay so as I'm walking to school this 2017 Ford mustang passes well I'm walking and splashes me.
That's why i always being two extra pairs of cloths.
When i get to school i go to the locker rooms to take a shower and get in.
When i get out people are starting to come in the doors and go to classes so i hurry and get dressed in the bathrooms because if somebody came in and saw me abbs  they would get suspicious and try to find out the real me.
When i go out the doors the school slut and her minions walks up to me and says '' why don't you go kill yourself nerd ''  and i stay silent looking down because if i look up i will probably kill her.
Anyway she then says '' listen when I'm talking to you nerd ''. And then she slaps me. Like what the fuck is wrong with her and then i forgot my disguise so i pretend to be hurt because this girl hits like my great grandma. And fall to the flore and begin to fake cry.   By the time i start fake crying the school bad boys show up and the school gets quiet.
The leader his name is Jacob and then there's his two best friends Ryan and Taylor.
Okay I'm not gonna lie there all super hot but i don't like them in that way they don't even know me. Anyway they are the three manwhores of the school.
Now you know about them and the school sluts.
Btw there all boyfriend and girlfriends. Well that's what the sluts think anyway. When they show up they walk like they own the place. Its really funny actually because when the girls run up to them the boys push them away.
I accidentally  snort causing her head to snap my way I'm surprised she didn't break it l. And she walks towards me like I'm her next so i have to keep up my act and shrink away. By the time she's to me which felt like 20 years i am basically gone. So she says '' What are you laughing about nerd '' so i say '' nothing '' which tikes her off and she pushes me to the ground and starts kicking me in the stumic Intel the boys pull her off and they help me up which I'm surprised by. Since the do help anyone but i am bleeding because of her ten inch heels. So they take me to the nurses office which i go to a lot her name is Sydney she knows about me secret life because she helps me when i need her to. When we get there i pass out because of how much blood I've lost which is a lot. The boys tell me to stay awake which is not  that easy.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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