A New Beginning

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Chapter 1

Driving down the street, I had finally reached Beacon Hills. I couldn't believe I was finally here. It made me feel so alive to be in the one place where my parents found each other and fell in love. It was almost like it was my home and the feeling of belonging filled my heart. In this moment, I wanted to enjoy every moment of this town but I knew in my heart that I couldn't. I felt a danger surrounding someone called Scott McCall and I knew that I had to save him immediately. I continued to drive before I finally felt Scott's presence in the woods and I then drove through the woods before finally parking in-between some trees. Once I parked, I closed my eyes, searching for Scott until I finally found him getting in a blue Jeep with two other boys. I then sat there waiting for them to drive off down the street before I finally followed far behind to make sure it wouldn't look like I was following them.

As I began to drive down the same road as before, I began to have flashes of the creature coming after Scott. He had long talons that glowed brightly blue and looked like a rather strange creature. I began to wonder straight away what or who sent him in the first place. I then brushed the images away and continued to drive along the street.

Just then, I saw the Jeep sat in the middle of the road. It looked like it had broken down and I immediately continued to drive along until I finally stopped beside the Jeep to see if I could help in any way. Once I pulled over, I immediately got out of my black Jeep and began to walk over to Scott and some other guy. Scott and the guy then spotted me straight away and Scott then said...

"Hey! Can you help us out a little?" Scott asked.

Suddenly, the car got struck with lightning at the front of the Jeep and the engine started once again.

"I think you've got it," I said.

"Yeah. I guess so. I'm Scott," Scott said, putting out his hand so I could shake it.

"Well it's nice to meet you Scott," I said, taking his hand.

However, once I took his hand I had a flash before my eyes. I began to see the future of what was to come.

"Who are you?" Scott asked.

"A devoted fan," the creature answered.

I then began to blink before I saw another flash.

"I didn't come just to claim your status," the creature said, with his blue talons glowing.

Another flash then came.

"I came to kill you," the creature said, digging his talons into Scott.

Scott eyes began to close, killing Scott.

The vision then stopped and I began stop and stare at Scott. This was the first intense vision I had in a while and I couldn't believe the effect it had on me.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked, finally releasing his hand from mine.

"Yeah. I'm just fine," I answered.

I then smiled before quickly getting back in my car before looking back at the Jeep. I then saw one of the boys in the back, looking at me closely. I then smiled at them before I said...

"Okay, well I'll see you around," I said before driving off down the road and leaving all three boys alone in the middle of nowhere.

After driving off for some time, I felt my hands still shaking after foreseeing Scott's future. I had never felt this nervous about it all but for some reason it had a huge affect on me. As it continued to make me shake, I suddenly couldn't get a hold of the wheel properly. I then attempted to turn after seeing a tree in the middle of the road but somehow I couldn't. As panic filled my body, I tried to turn as best as I could until I finally crashed into the tree.

Moments after crashing my car, I saw people surrounding my car and helping me out of it. I felt my head cut and my vision was bouncing off of the walls. I then began to shake it off and began to walk away from the crowd before I finally sat on the curb.

"Are you okay?" a man asked me as I sat down.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Okay, I'm going to get you some help. You stay here and I'll call for an ambulance," the man said.

I nodded before watching him walk away for a moment.

Once he left, I immediately got up and began to walk away rather quickly. I knew that I couldn't stay and wait for an ambulance, especially because I felt my body healing quickly. I knew that leaving my car was a risk but in that moment I knew I had no choice. I was planning on calling one of my vampires later to reclaim my Jeep for me.

After some time of walking, I finally reached the hospital. I needed to clean myself up after the car accident just to make sure I wasn't majorly injured. I then continued to walk along until I finally entered the hospital. It was rather busy at this time due to the storm and so nobody noticed me walking in and up the stairs. Once I finally reached the top of the stairs, I immediately headed in an empty room and then I began to look at myself in the mirror. As I looked upon myself, I noticed that there was blood from my ear that had healed but had still left a lot of blood that had dried on my skin. I then got a white rag and began to wipe away all of the blood from my ear. I then cleaned up the blood from my cuts on my forehead before putting down the rag and heading out of the room and down the hall.

Just as I headed down the hall, all of a sudden, I collided into someone and fell to the ground, knocking the other person down with me. As we fell to the ground, I then began to wonder what poor, innocent person did I knock to the floor because I wasn't looking where I was going. I then looked across to the person I had knocked to the floor and saw it was the same boy in the back of the Jeep when I saw Scott and another boy earlier. I then smiled before getting up and saying...

"Sorry," I said, offering my hand for him to take so I could help him up.

"No it was my fault," he said, taking my hand.

He then got up and I finally got to look at him properly. He had honey-blonde hair, tanned white skin and beautiful blue eyes. I then smiled at him while he smiled at me before I said...

"Hey didn't I see you earlier?" I asked.

"Yeah you did. I'm Liam," he said.

"Well Liam, it's good to see you and again I'm sorry for bumping into you," I said.

"Really. You don't need to be sorry," Liam said.

I then smiled before walking towards the elevator and then pressing the button. I then stepped in and pressed the button for me to head down the stairs.

"Wait! Aren't you going to tell me your name?" Liam wondered.

"You'll find out... soon," I said before the elevator closed and the elevator then began to go down.

As I headed down, I began to wonder what was going to happen next. This night was a real nightmare and if I didn't save Scott, this town would have another death on it's hands but despite all that, somehow I knew this was a new beginning...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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