The beginning...

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It all started with my sis. One day I heard her listening to this type of music. I never knew what it was since I was very quiet and very shy at that time. I never really talked to anyone. I never asked my sister what type of music it was. My family and I were going to the beach for a party. While we were in the car, my mother had told us that we can chose one song to play it on Bluetooth. My sister instantly shouted, "STRESSED OUT BY TWENTY ONE PILOTS!!" (I had to) I jumped in my seat from the action. Then I asked, "Who's 'Twenty One Pilots'?" My sister looked at me as if I was insane. She's like, "WHAT? YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE?" I shook my head in response. She sat in her seat staring at me for about 5 seconds and then grinned ear to ear and said, "This is going to be fun."
To be continued...

Hello my fellow frens!! Thanks for reading the first part of my trip of becoming part of the TØP fandom. I hope u guys enjoyed it and.....uh....yeah idk. Bye!

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