Plumette Rovean

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Age: 13, bday is march 3 2005, ♓ Pisces.

Likes: Animals, dark clothing, doing her friends' hair and doodles.

Dislikes: Pedofiles, loud noises such as screaming and traffic, water, and crowds.

Special facts: Is color blind and has never seen color in her life, but her dream is to watch the sun go down with her friends.

Back story: Plumette's father (Paul) made a deal with her mother (Rosey) that if the baby (Plumette) had anything at all wrong with it, he will leave. Her mother loved this man more than she could love herself, so when she found out Plumette is color blind, she never told her husband. Growing up, Plumette's father tried to teach her colors whenever they went hiking, or walking on the beach. But Plumette only saw monotone. She got beat with every color she guesses wrong, until she had to remember each shade of grey, black, and call them what her father said they were. She only did this to make her mother happy, and keep her safe, because everytime she got a color wrong, not only does Plumette get beat, but so does her mother. Plumette favorites her mother (obviously), and is growing up to have some of her beautiful traits. Plumette fasinates over the thought of love though, just like her mother. And would do anything for anybody to make them happy.

Traits: Adventurous, loving, chill, quite, literally acts like a Lolita.

Looks: Glasses, pale skin, dark Violet hair with bangs, grey eyes, white thigh high socks, black long coat, grey cotton skirt, button up white shirt, with a Violet tie, dark purple rain boots.

Role: Friend of Yanii Roman, Raven Mathura, Kyle Nicks, and Jovanny Martinez.

(Others to be written about soon!!! And yes, I will continue the story.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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