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"Love may be a pressure or pleasure,
It's how you treat it."

Love can never be expressed. That feel is immortal.
Words never intersect with our feelings.
They stand parallel.
But we although expect it to be collinear!!!

Understandings are expressed as words even without having a second thought. They come out like arrows pin pointing and killing the hearts of our loved ones. We dont do it intentionally.... but it happens... it kills them....and we also eventually start dying.

Love is a game.
But we never play it.
It happens to play with us.

But if you ask me
'can you stay without love?'

'No' i shout back.

'Why do you need it when you know it is painful?'

'I dont know.' I say.


⛦⛥Author note ⛥⛥

Hi all!! I am so happy that my story is finally going to be out. Thanks for all your love and support. I strongly believe that you all will like my story. Even if not forgive me as it is my very very first try.

All pride to the almighty. Let him help me out.

This story is all about a true love between Vidyut ( a very rich business man) and Manvi ( a journalist). They get apart because of their words which they dont know where and when to use. But their heart is still beating for the other.

Will they make it back together???

Read the story to know the answer for  this billon dolar question. Please do vote and comment. Wating for your support.

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