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   A demon, the word so many fear. what will you do if your ever challenged to face one?

   This very thing happened but to the world. Not like other demons this demon was nothing ordinary. It was a buildings tall and like nothing we've ever seen.

   It appears from nowhere destroys everything. Houses...schools...towers.

   The world was in mass chaos. "Who will be next ?" they ask.

   I was 8 when the demon stuck near my city. I was sitting as close to the tv while it strongly rained outside. I was as close as possible hearing the news guy saying "to say calm, eoxtra will prosper like it has so many times before," while my aunt behind me crying trying to get a flight for us else where.

   It was like Russian Rollet. Waiting and seeing who was the next city to get hit.

    One by one city's fell to the         destruction of the beast

   It has been two weeks and the beast finally arrived. I was in my bed rooms window seeing the beast arrive. Horning sticking from everywhere, glowing demonic red eyes. A dragon that's what it was.

   Buildings burning as I clench my aunts hand as we run though the chaotic city of Eoxtra trying to desperately escape the massacre.

    We get pushed and shoved and push then shoved till finally my hand gets separated from hers. as she turns around to yell my name... as a car hits her. I run to her to see her lifeless bloody face stuck under the back tire of a car that hit her then the wall

   I cried as I walk the yelling streets of Eoxta. I hear shots being fired. I look to right to see a broken building leaning on another burning building. the demon puts its head under the leaning building and throws it as if a toy.

   There it was... the demon himself. no more then a block away showing of its roaring. Soldiers shot at the beast relentlessly but no bullets worked. The demon looks at me. My heart stops. The demon leans his head over then opens his mouth in front of me. I knew this was it. I stood there frozen in fear, knowing in moments I would be relieved from this world and it's pains...but.

  Through the ashen red sky a huge light appears.

   "A kid?" Someone said. I look up to see a teenager 16 or 17 of age in the center of the bright shining light. Seriously angry the kid takes a huge glowing bow out of this floating suitcase next to him. And with the first shot of the bow the beast dies.
The kid looks down at me, and I at it. He's was scary but he smiled at me like as if he saw and old friend before he vanished.

   9 years later and we all know the story of the savor of Eoxtra and how he purged the world from its first demon and how he used his 2nd wish from the gods to destroy the demon. And although we might not have known it at the time, when the beast died the past era died with it, ushering in the new era , the era of magic.

The Death Stigma (Astren series) *sneak peek*Where stories live. Discover now