Everyone can't come back.

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When Regina understood by seeing Daniel's grave that he still was in the Underworld, she began to run ; by many aspects, to go to the Underworld hadn't been a good idea (because there was a risk of death).

Emma, after some weeks of a deep silence finally decided, tormented by culpability, to go to the Underworld in order to search Hook.

After he died, the Savior and the former Evil Queen became closer to each other, and something they buried in themselves, probably since Neverland, suddenly reappeared.

It allowed to explain some things ; their former hatred, that wasn't really one, the fact that they looked like a family with Henry, in a troubling way, and their rapprochement in Neverland which could have been something else, if there hadn't been Hook and Robin.

It didn't mean that the Savior didn't love Hook ; but even if she finally fell in love with him, she knew that a part of her would always love Regina.

By this rapprochement, their respective feelings more and more came back up, which didn't happen since Neverland.

When Regina understood what she was feeling again for the blonde, she decided to stay away from Robin, for a time ; he accepted her decision, and, after a while, they decided by common consent to split up.

The former queen then made sure that she would bandage the wounds of the former Dark One ; they needed a certain time to admit that they maybe loved each other (and more for Emma, to overcome her loss).

Announce their choice to everyone had been... a little problematic, but it had been accepted in the end.

Except that everyone felt that there was something wrong with Emma ; this one did destroy the darkness (no voice was whistling in her head any more, so she supposed that she did it), but she knew that the price to pay had been too heavy, so she decided to ask to Gold to open a portal to the Underworld.


It had taken a long time to Emma (helped this time, not by Regina but by Belle) to convince the former Dark One to come with them in the Underworld ; in fact, even though this last one lost his powers, he could be a great help for them, to enter but especially to go out of the Underworld.

This is just when Belle evoked the possibility for him to see Baelfire again that he finally accepted.

They had to fight a lot, not in order to ask to people to come with them, but to force some to stay ; so, there was the question of Henry's case.

The young adolescent really wanted to come with them, because he had the feeling that he could play a role in it (and also because he hoped he could see his father again) ; his two mothers refused as long as they could.

When he declared that he felt as if he had been sidelined during Emma's Dark One period, this last one, feeling guilty, finally accepted, just as Regina.

Enter in the Underworld had been something ridiculously easy when you think about it (well, if you forget the fact that Gold had to die before they succeed to do it) : they all knew that leave it would be more difficult.

Their first reflex had been to search where the pirate could be ; so, they went at all the graves, to know if he was still there.

This is at that moment that Regina saw Daniel's grave ; once she knew where he was in the Underworld, she began to run as fast as she could, purchased by the other (the one who came too, that is to say Gold, Belle, Henry, Snow, Emma, Robin and David).

Regina knew instinctively where he must be, and she couldn't help but smile when she saw she was right.

He was at the stables...

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