My dreams

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I had this dream last night that was just...hard to explain. I was driven to a family friends house and there was a guy there, im not sure if he looked like the guy I sorta like or if he was the guy in my church whose attractive, but his attitude totally ruins the appeal. I wonder I'd the attitude is just a mask...maybe. because he's got a girlfriend, an awesome family and he's so cute with hi is younger siblings. Anyways, back to the dream. So he had an adorable little sister around 4 with long black hair and i adored her. I laid down on the bed woth him, he was shirtless and she crawls over and lies down on me and goes to sleep. meanwhile he is just staring at me smiling. One of my friend that came to visit cones in, winks at me and picks up the little girl and takes her away. I turn to whoever it was and he smiles and rolls over. Then the family friends mom comes up saying we have to go the fashion show to support my dad is in insurance... Anyways so we go get ready and go to the show. The mysterious guy sits next to me and starts holding my hand. I let him do it and I watch the show. After the show he gives me these earrings and I lose mine, my favorite pair from my best friend. I start crying and I cant find them and he disappears, so we go back to the house. When we get back to the house he is already shirtless and in bed. So I lay down next to him in my pajamas. I start to go to sleep and feel him taking out my earrings and pull the blanket over me. I smile and feel him cuddle up to me and we go to sleep.

Then I wake up. Crazy right?

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