White No More

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The battelfield was full of bodies and blood, cries of loss and mourning, the rotten flesh of the fallen and an itching sting of iron scent - woven in die fresh air of dawn, bewitching it into something unrecognizable as the first light of day searches its way through the labyrinth of sorrow in search for a spark of life and laughter. A hopeless cause. But it didn't know this, it didn't  have this strangely humanly attribute.

He shouldn't have to feel this way either because he wasn't human. But strangely he did feel everything. And more. He felt his heart crack as he watched the new morning rise and made him into something else entirely. A new creature that longed for revenge and retribution, that was driven by grief and pain, feeling nothing and everything at once. Blaiming the sky for its stupid inaction, its silent answer to all of this. He couldn't forget, he couldn't forgive. He was dying inside, burning out, and the emptiness filled him with something new, something dark that was as old as time. The voice spoke of hatred now, of loathing and disgust. So it wasn't as if there were no emotions at all, there were just too many and his own voice
had become silent.

If he was a king, he would do it differently.

He opened his eyes again and blinked towards the open space above him, promising misery for the one who had let his own creation down, everyone who had been wounded, orphaned, suffered and died.

The light in his eyes dimished, fists at his sides, knuckles white. When he opened them again and stepped out of the shadows his wings were white no more. He had serves for centuries, now he would reign and get everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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