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10:15 pm

Your POV
Your in the bedroom. You're watching tv, probably because you don't feel sleepy. Upon switching channels, a news report catches your eyes and ears.

*insert news report bg music*
News Reporter 1: Sleepy Peak will suffer a meteorite crash on October 21 at 1:00 in the midnight. The size of the meteorite is 2 meters wide, and it will fall 6000km from the sky, at Lake Lilac.
News Reporter 2: Residents living near the said area are advised to evacuate.
News Reporter 1: This has been the news report, I'm Maila Luna.
News Reporter 2: And Jordanna Cheers.
NR 1&2: And this is Sleepy News at 9.
*commercial break*

*Y/N's mom opens your room, the she appears*

Y/N's Mom: Hey (Y/N), aren't you sleeping? Go get some sleep, sweetie. You don't wanna miss your first day at Camp Campbell!
(Y/N): Okay mom, but I don't feel so sleepy. I've just heard that a meteorite landed on Lake Lilac! I wonder how scared and worried the residents are.
Y/N's Mom: Yeah, I heard about that. Oh, you want some glass of milk?
(Y/N): Sure.
*Mom heading to the fridge to get some milk*
Y/N's Mom: Here you go. Drink up so that you may sleep better.
*Mom switches off the tv*
Y/N's Mom: Go to sleep now, sweetie. *kisses on the forehead*
(Y/N): Good night mom!
Y/N's Mom: Good night sweetie.

(Y/N): I hope the residents near the site of meteorite are okay! I hope they aren't hurt by the crash. I feel pity for them.


(Y/N): Oh my! I heard Zeemuug is calling at me! He's telling me something... Hmmm, what could it that be?
And I saw, uhmmm..... Daniel? Jjjjen? Performing oh my glob Demonic Spells!!!! AAAGGGHHHHH


(Y/N): AAAGGGHHHHH!!!! Must be a bad dream huh. *Grabs Mr. Sugarpines, a teddy bear or Ms. Sugarplum, a rabbit plushie, your choice* *hugs one of them*
(Y/N): Well, I'll get some sleep now. It's 12:00 in the morning.


1:00 am

*meteorite falling down 6000km away from the sky*
*meteorite lands on Lake Lilac, near the vicinity of Camp Campbell*


Hey there, reader! Welcome to the AU Fanfic created by me, sixhundredthirtyone! I hope you're enjoying your time here! Comment down below if you want some questions to be answered, give likes to this story, and enjoy!

I'm new into Camp Camp fanfic and AU, and also to the Y/N thing, so bear with me, and everything will be fine! Thank you!

Also, I'm gonna show you what the effects of the meteorite explosion, and how it affects the campers of Camp Campbell in succeeding chapters.

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