Author's Note

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Well, hello there. If you're here, then... well, I guess thanks for actually trying out my book. 

I suppose the first note would be that I, myself, am American. So I'll probably make many mistakes throughout the book about Europe and about London, and if anything I say happens to offend you, I am truly sorry. If you see a mistake and want to help to fix it, comment where I went wrong and show me how to correct it! I'm completely open to criticism.

Also, if you see any grammatical errors or the like, feel free to point them out to me! I have some ADHD issues, so my sentences will sometimes go off on a completely new point without me noticing--feel free to call that out to me, and I will gladly fix it.

Other than that, please enjoy this book! I've put much thought into it, and plan to make it as interesting and intriguing as I possibly can. Also yes, before you ask--this is a slightly Frankenstein-esque idea. That is where I got the idea, as well as after reading "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (which is the best book ever honestly). So yes, there are themes in here that may seem familiar, though my concept is only inspired from them. I do not plan to follow these wonderful stories completely--where is the fun in that?

Now, on to the story!

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