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This is one of my first stories xxx

Doncaster, England. It was Louis Tomlinson's hometown. Where he took his first steps, said his first words. His father was a cop and lived in Doncaster. His mother being a teacher at an elementary school in Holmes Chapel.

She moved out shortly after the marriage didn't work out, leading to a divorce. He also had 4 sisters, which made them a quite large family, having a total of 7 members in it altogether.

Louis always liked having his younger siblings there for him and he enjoyed having a rather large family. However, when his parents split up, it was as if there was a great divide in his family. Lottie and Fizzy lived with Johannah (his mother) in Holmes Chapel, while the twins Daisy and Phoebe stayed back with Louis and his father.

Louis Tomlinson was a nice guy. He cared about his friends and family and protected those he loved. It was the day that changed everything for him.

The day he came out to his father was a mistake. He always felt he liked both girls and boys his whole life. He never thought one should strictly like one gender.

His father didn't take the news well.

He ended up kicking Louis out and giving him nothing of his. He remembers being outside in the cold, icy Doncaster winter breeze as burning tears dropped from his ocean blue eyes.

"Hey mum," Louis said his voice cracking from pain and sadness.

"Hi dear, how's it going, are you alright," she asks, worried for her son. "Dad kicked me out, he doesn't accept me for being, you know, bisexual."

"Well that's just awful Lou, did he kick you out? I can hear cars near you and your dad doesn't live on the streets. Come here, I'll pay for your ticket you can start a new life here sweetheart. It'll be lovely," Jay added, clapping her hands together, excited her son was moving in with her, but terribly sorry for her baby boy.

And just like that, Louis got on the next flight to Holmes chapel with nothing but his clothes on and his phone.

He hadn't told any of his friends the news, he thought to just wait, there was already enough going on. As he made it to his mother's doorstep, there was a knot in his stomach.

Maybe it was the fact he hadn't seen her since last Christmas. He waited at the doorstep hearing dogs barking from the backyard.

The house looked lovely from the outside. It was a mansion to him and in a good neighborhood. He wondered how a teacher could afford such a big house. He knocked and closed his eyes, excited yet scared.

But when the door opened, he didn't meet a pair of identical blue eyes.

A/N: Hey lovelies! How did you like the prologue? Should i continue with the story? Would you read it? I love you all and please comment, comment, comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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