"in the train"

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i was in a hurry to catch the train.
unfortunately,i missed it so i have to board on the next one.
it was a fine day.i supposed to meet my friends and go to church but because i'm late,i think i wouldn't make it.
i'm in the process of searching who i am and what do i really want out of life.
i had the epiphany when i ended my more than 6 years of relationship (long distance) with the guy i used to believe is my home.
i got into reading good books and often bring it with me while i ride on the train.
i remember holding my book about "joy"(happiness) and looking for a seat inside the busy train.
i found one and just sat there.i was nervous and excited at the same time,it was not typical of me to sit with the rest of the passengers.
i would often take the ones near the door of the train;far from the rest of the commuters.
but since i started working on myself and wanted to act 'as if' i'm already the confident lady that i wanted to be...i joined the crowd.
then a voice of a guy was heared.he said, "nice book!can i have a look?"
without even looking at the guy sitting next to me,i handed him the book.
he asked me what is it about and i tried to explain it as clear as i could although i was very nervous about that interaction.
he seems like interrogating me;asking me about my life and stuffs but i guess that was how dutch guys really are.
i was suddenly delighted when he mentioned that he's a personal development coach and that he's on his way to a seminar about personal development.
i was hyped and our conversation got very interesting and fun.
he asked for my name and my number and i willingly gave it to him considering the possibilities of learning things about myself and my purpose in life.
after that,he asked me about the screen display on my phone..it was my ex boyfriend.
i told him we just broke up.he then tried to losen it up by jokingly saying.."should i read to you the ending of this book?"
i didn't get it at first so i told him,"yes,tell me."
he said,"if the relationship is over,you should remove the picture of your ex from your phone."
haha.i know,it was corny.but he was right.
he handed me back my book (at last),said his farewell and then stepped out of the train.
it was such a spontaneous event!!i reached my destination and few minutes later,i received a message from him...inviting me tomorrow for coffee.
i remebered i haven't asked his name yet,and so i did.his name is Frank. such a sexy name. but i cannot really agree because i didn't look at him properly while we are talking.
perhaps i will get a good look tomorrow when i meet him again.
or will i meet up with him?i'm not sure..:(

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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