Wait for me to come home

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5 years, five years since Kaito Momota left to study abroad, 5 years since he left her alone.

He believed she hated him, that she always had, even when they spent time together, he thought she hated him

But he was wrong.

He told her he was leaving to study abroad, believing she didn't care, she acted like she didn't, she said it was fine

It wasn't fine, she watched him get in the cab that day, as it drove off, tears spilled from her face, and tears would keep spilling for two years

Maki Harukawa pushed her memories of Kaito to the side trying to get over the fact he left

She became more mature and worried about her grades, since she was working towards a masters degree

Her roommate and her roommates boyfriend Kaede Akamatsu and Shuichi Saihara noticed how much she changed after two years had passed

Though Kaito may have not been able to tell, they could, they knew how Maki really felt, they saw the light in her eyes when she was with him

They haven't seen that light since he left, even after she pushed her memories away, she's never had that light, that light was burnt out and not just anything could make it come back

Present day Maki & Kaede's dorm

Maki walked out of her room and grabbed her bag and shoes slipping them on and opening the door "Leaving already Maki?" Kaede asked entering the room

Maki nodded and headed out the door, it closed quickly after her

Kaede sighed as she watched Maki leave, then her phone buzzed, she quickly picked it up

From Shuichi ; Kaede

Kaede: Yeah??

Shuichi; I just got a text, he's coming back. Today

Kaede; By he you mean Kaito right?


Kaede; Then get over here! I wanna see him when you do! Make sure he comes to my place

Shuichi; Ok, but what about Maki?

Kaede;she's out with Kirumi and Tsumugi today, don't worry about it

Shuichi; alright, he'll be here in about an hour, I'll be at your place in a few

An hour and a half passed

Maki sighed as she made her way back to her dorm, she had a strange feeling as she approached the door

she slowly put her hand on the door, she didn't know why she was scared to open it, she just was

She finally turned the knob when the door opened she saw him, he was standing right there

He turned his head to the door, Maki's bag dropped off her shaking arm onto the floor as she made eye contact with him

"Maki- I didn't know you were gonna be home so soon-" Kaede said, Maki totally ignored it

She quickly slammed the door and started running straight down the hall she didn't know why, why he was back, why now, tears started running down her face

In the dorm

Kaito Shuichi and Kaede stared at the door

"I swear I didn't know she was gonna get home so soon" Kaede stated breaking the silence

Kaito didn't say anything just walked towards the door and opened it, then left in a hurry

"Kaito?!" Shuichi said as his best friend ran off

Kaede grabbed his shoulder "don't Shuichi" she said as they stared at the open door

Maki finally stopped running, she just collapsed, into her knees, all these memories came back to her, the moment he left came back to her

She covered her face as she cried in the middle of a hall way in the dorms

Kaito stopped catching his breath when he saw her from the back on her knees, he walked closer until he could reach and touch her

"Maki..?" He said quietly

She didn't reply or turn to him just kept crying in that same spot

"Makiroll? Why are you cryin?" He asked calling her by the nickname he used to call her

Maki slowly turned her head and looked at him "w-why? Why'd you come back" she cried

"Why'd I come back?" He repeated "why, wouldn't I come back?" He asked "I know you hate me and everything but I wasn't gonna stay gone forever"

"I never hated you!" She yelled still on the ground "I always liked you! Even if you annoyed me like no one else even if you didn't stop when I told you too!"

"I would never have spent time with you if I hated you"

"I'm crying because suddenly, when I'm finally fine with life again and I'm finally not stopping and remembering the fact that you left im finally getting back to normal, and then you just show up" she cried

"You know how hard it was telling you to go study abroad? Do you know how long I cried after you left?" She yelled

Kaito didn't say anything


"Why..?" He asked


"And I thought I finally got over it, and I could be normal again and forget about what I felt, and I did I finally did" she cried

"then.., you show up again and now I realize"

"I'm not over you, I can't get over you even when you leave and you make me cry and you piss me off and annoy me"

"I'm still in love you anyway, after five years of not talking or hearing from you, I'm still in love with you" she finished looking at the floor, still on her knees

She heard movement, then felt Arms wrap around her stomach and felt his head lean on her shoulders "I came back for you" he said

"Because after leaving, I realized I couldn't live without you, but I couldn't leave, I had to stay"

"When I was finally told I would be able to come back, I jumped at it, because I wanted to see you again"

"Because, I love you too Makiroll" he said then let go of Maki, she turned around still crying and on her knees

She looked up at him and smiled through her tears, he put his hand on your cheek

"You're even more beautiful then I remember" he smiled, then leaned in and placed his lips on hers, to his surprise she kissed back

(I'm even worse at writing kissing then I am at just writing)

Once they pulled away she hugged him making him fall back "I love you" she whispered starting to cry again

He smiled and hugged back "I love you too Makiroll"

"Don't leave again" she said hugging him tighter

"I wont, I swear"

Ew gross please don't let me write anymore I'm ruining writing.

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