Confession (part 1)

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[Ew guys i smell cringe but here ya go.]

Michael sat in the place him and Jeremy met most days after school. After the last bell rang for the weekend, They would probably have something to do, as usual.

Jeremy didn't meet him there till about twenty minutes later. "Where were you?" Michael asked him, confused. "Oh just taking care of something. " Why are you here so early?"

Michael looked at the time. "Oh I guess I had a lot on my mind. I don't know." Michael wanted to confess to Jeremy but he didn't know how. So he wrote a note.

"What'cha wright'n?" Jeremy leaned over to look and Michael pulled away. "Not important Jeremy."

He looked over his note again:

I liked you for a long time, and I'm sorry I was jealous of you and Christine. Meet me at the Seven-Eleven at 10:00 sharp. I'll be waiting.

Michael got up ready to leave and so did Jeremy. Michael handed him the note and ran around the corner as fast as he could. He didn't want Jeremy asking questions.

           ~time skip~

Michael was next to the Seven-Eleven, waiting for Jeremy. He saw him ride up and hid. Jeremy saw him, of course, which didn't make matters any better for Michael.

Jeremy waved when he got closer and Michael waved back, not realizing his face was completely red.

Jeremy pulled a note out of his pocket and gave it to Michael, not running away. Michael read it:

I wanted to tell you the same thing for a long time, but thought you would hate me for it, so I never told you.

Michael looked up in disbelief. Blushing more than ever, Jeremy put his head on Michael's shoulder and hugged him.

They talked for a while and got comfortable.

Michael thought it was the perfect moment, so when they both stopped talking, Michael pulled Jeremy's face over to his.

Jeremy was surprised by this, being so sudden but he got used to it and kissed Michael back.

This went on for nearly 5 minutes when Jeremy offered him a ride back to his house. Jeremy's parents were out of town, so that wouldn't be a problem.

The both sat down on Jeremy's bed and stayed silent for a moment. Michael broke the silence;

"So you r-really like me the same way?"

"What a stupid question."

"I know but why? I know I look good and all-" Michael  teased

"Stop. I'm staring at you because I feel like it, right now is all."

"You're so weird. I'm going downstairs." He walked out holding up his hands in the shape of a heart.

"I- I gotta go back to my house now, it's getting kinda late."

Jeremy looked down at his watch. "I guess it is. Bye Michael!"

Michael waved and ran out the door.

~Time skip brought to you by my nonexistent friends~

It was the next morning and Michael woke up sweating. His face was hot. "I didn't stay with Jeremy? I don't remember anything but us kissing last night. That was nice."

I wish it would last.

👌539 words👌

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