The Knight (girlxgirl)

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There once was a knight, not revered for her unsinkable courage or her strong moral compass, for she possessed neither, but for her everlasting loyalty and love. And its demise.

She served a fair king, one who hardly called for war unless attacked and tried his best to help his people. She enlisted at the end of a large war, full of vigor and determination. He died before she reached full knighthood and his only daughter, a dark haired beauty, was crowned not soon after.

When the knight saw her for the first time, she had thought an angel had fallen from the heavens to smile on them, veiled in white and clad in red. The knight knelt before her with a racing heart. She pledged her undying loyalty to the new queen, hand over her heart.

She returned to her training shortly after. She was little loved by her fellows, but eventually obtained mastery of silence and blending. The nobles saw her as an insignificant stain while the village folk saw her as conceited due to her chosen lack of speech. She was shut out by all, except for her queen.

When she finally went into the good queen's service, the knight stood by her side faithfully, letting the ruler rely on her and hoped to share the love she had come to develop for her in the long hours of training. She thought of her and her oath to her. Eventually, the queen did indeed fall for her faithful knight and the two conducted an affair in private, lest they be cast out by the town.

The queen spoke of circles the knight was not in, nobles she would never meet, but nevertheless, the knight listened to every word she spoke. Jealousy filled her, twisting her heart. The knight began to feel the effects of the world, the scrutiny, the fear, the overwhelming hatred, that had been forced upon her. She could not bare it. She cast off her queen with an act of vile cruelty and left without a second glance. She believed her destiny was elsewhere, for it would not haunt her like this. She wanted to be away from all the thoughts that had consumed her white heart and transformed it to a sickening black. She carried with her a heavy heart and a sack filled with ale. She would come to learn she needed more ale than that to heal her wounds.

In time, the knight returned to the lands she had once called home, willing to forfeit her unhealthy habit of alcoholic consumption. A war had began and the knight wanted to see how the queen she had so horribly abandoned was faring. When she eyed the interior of the palace, the queen had one of her nobles at her side, a surefire and confident woman. She served her well enough, showing her love the knight never could. The knight had felt emotions indescribable for the queen, but never knew how to adequately express them. She was never sure if a kiss would suffice or perhaps ruin what she had built. The knight wasn't especially interested in further interaction, but would have gone the lengths if the queen had asked. It was a strange and confusing existence.

Feeling inadequate and pitiful, the knight carried on with a crooked smile and a crooked heart.

The noble went on to betray the queen, after all the time she had spent enticing her. The queen's heart was shattered on to the floor before her very eyes. The knight heard the news and rushed to the queen's side, her heart swelling with pity and old love for the queen. In time, the queen welcomed the knight back to her court and the two began again.

The queen told the knight of her infatuation with the noble that betrayed her. She went on about how she had always loved the noble, always, she would reiterate. A demon of doubt planted itself in her, making her question her worth as the queen's love. She had seen that she was not anymore, or had ever been, her love. She stayed nevertheless, hoping she would suffice as an adequate replacement. She was a foreigner, in a place she thought she knew.

Without much notice, the queen pushed the knight from her service. The knight was gripped with agony and misery, but said nothing of it. She escaped her fate with sadness in her lungs as she spoke out meaningless words. Words that did not reflect her true thoughts. She felt as if she was being torn apart inside, but the queen had cried for her. The knight did not want the queen to cry and thus she never spoke again.

The knight, utterly broken and defeated, went off to battle with ale in her pack as well as her blood and never returned. The queen was never notified.

The queen, however, returned to the side of her noble, who had acquired a knight of her own. The queen told herself she was content. She watched from afar until she lay on her deathbed, dreaming forever of her noble.

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