Love Letter From L.Loud

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Hey guys, it's me Shooting_Star. I am so excited to write this story cause once I watch the episode "L is for Love" I totally started shipping Luna and Sam cause they seem so alike and it's so cute, so please enjoy and remember this is a kids show so I will not do no bad kinky stuff but I'm not making any promises. Enjoy bye
"Ok you got this Lunes, just put it in Sam's locker, no backing out this time." Luna took a deep breath and pushed the letter into the locker. She heard voices so she ran around the corner to see Sam and her friend walking to Sam's locker but her friends left so it's just Sam.

"Come on love, open the locker" Luna whispered to herself as she watched Sam open her locker and see the note fall.

When I opened my locker I saw a note fall out. I turn it over to see that it's from....L.Loud!! Sam looked around to see if anyone was around then got excited. Sam has always had a crush on a certain British guitar playing Loud member but she didn't know if she liked girls and if she did would she even like Sam. She hoped that the letter was from Luna but she didn't know so right now it could be anybody Lori, Leni, Luan, Lucy, Lynn, Lincoln, or Luna... She blushed thinking about Luna giving her a love letter and smiled. She knew she needed to find out who this L.Loud is and so she started heading to the craziest house she has ever seen.

SHE SMILED OMG!! I'm so happy but where is she going? I was going to follow her until I got a call from Lori saying hurry up I'm outside waiting for you, Luna!! So I forget about it and quickly ran to the van.

"So Luna did u give the letter to Sam?" Lori ask getting me out of my dase about Sam.

"Oh uh yeah I did." Thinking about it just makes me smile.

"Really how did she react when u walked up and gave it to her?" I thought (oh no). As we get out of the car heading into the house.

"Well um actually I didn't know we were suppose to give it to them face to face so umm I put it in her locker." I blushed embarrassed.

"Oh well that's ok cause it looks like she coming over right now so u can tell her." Pointing over to Sam walking down the street to come to our house.

"W-WHAT NO LORI OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE IM NOT READY!!!!" "Fine ok but u need to tell her soon, Luna.

When Lori finally opens the door I rush in and run to me and luan's room and quickly closing the door to see a Luan waiting for me.

"Hey Luna how was giving the letter to Sam." Giving me a big smile.

"Long story short, I put it in her locker and put from L.Loud and when she read it she smiled and so now because she doesn't know who L.Loud is she is coming over right now to ask everyone if it was them and Lori wants me to tell her now but I'm not ready. Dude you got to help me!!" I start to panic.

"Ok calm down Luna it's going to be ok. Let's get u ready." Luan says as she make me sit down and brush my hair.

I'm so nervous I can't even imagine what Sam would think of me if this all goes wrong. "What if she doesn't like girls?" "What if she doesn't like me?" "What if my family go nuts and then Sam thinks I'm weird and won't want to be around me and then how will she ever like me!!!" I take a big breath and calm down. "It's fine lunes we can get through this."

"Ok I'm done, Luna." Luan says while smiling.

"Thanks Luan, ok here goes nothing. Wish me luck!!"

"You won't need it. You go this Luna!!"

Then I hear the doorbell ring. Oh god here it goes and head to the door. I open the door to see the prettiest girl I have ever seen. "Hey Sam what are you doing here?"
Hey guys, it's me Shooting_Star. I hope u enjoyed the first chapter of "I finally found you" Thanks bye


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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