1- Matt

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I was staring vacantly at the date box, bored out of my mind, in a class I don't care about. Suddenly it did something that caused my tired eyes to snap open. It flickered. I stared at it in my shock, my face crumpling in confusion. It must be tiredness, I concluded drowsily. I wasn't getting nearly enough sleep nowadays, the nightmares keeping me awake.

So I ignored it, going back to the droning voice of the teacher, but she had stopped. I looked at her in confusion, and my eyes widened. Her mouth was moving up and down, yet not a single sound escaped her lips.

"Ugh... Miss?" I stuttered nervously, unsure of what she was doing. She began moving faster, until her arm was nothing but a blur.

What I saw next shocked me. Wherever the pen touched the whiteboard, the words were erased. That's when I realised she was moving backwards. I looked around, trying to make sense of what was happening.

Jake stood up, his movements sped up. He began walking backwards out of the classroom, people looked up as he went, there mouths opening, but no words coming out. I remembered when Jake arrived late this morning.

On his way past, he bumped me, smirking, just like every morning. Except it wasn't morning, and he was moving backwards.

His mouth opened, and even though I heard no sound, I knew what he said. He had said it every day since the accident.

"Why are you still here, Matt?" I whispered, my words fitting perfectly into what he was saying. He then walked out, backwards I might add, shutting the door shut behind him.
From there, everything became a blur. Streaks of colours littered the classroom, as I watched each of my classmates rise and walk out backwards. The streaks of colour sped up, until humans were no longer distinguishable. The lights shut off, and the room fell into darkness. It was night.

Cars whizzed passed the window, I tried to get up, but found I could only move my head. It became light once more, and yesterday had begun, this time I only counted a minute, before darkness fell. It was slowly getting faster, I soon realised.
Quickly, days became seconds, it felt as if someone was flickering the lights, I looked towards the date box, it was spinning uncontrollably.

I am traveling back in time. I thought to myself in amazement. But why? I was too lost in my own thoughts, I didn't notice furniture disappearing. Then the walls around me started tumbling down. Blurs of fluorescent colours streak past.

They're building the school. I was shocked. They built the school in 1976. That means I had traveled 40 years. The room was still flickering uncontrollably, day and night clashed, each dominating only for a second, before being consumed by the other.
I watched, fascinated, as the school became lush, green paddocks and a house was built up in front of me. I knew that it was actually being taken down, yet as I found it difficult to believe I was traveling back in time, for the sake of my sanity, I decided to just pretend it was being built.

It was old, so old that the paint was slowly chipping away, that the roof had lost the majority of its tiles and that the rail of the small creaky deck, was about to fall. Colours blurred in and out, as the residents lived their life. After a while, I noticed it was the same, two people, going in and out. Both were male, and seemed to know each other. One, was considerably older than the other. Maybe father and son? I wasn't sure.
The silence was becoming deafening. I could hear every heartbeat, I longed for the quiet buzz of life, instead of this deadly silence. The constant flickering of days began to get annoying.

Just as I thought I could handle no more. I heard the sweet tweet of a bird, and the sky stopped flickering, as the great sun rose from the east, marking the re-birth of another day.

Hey guys,

Thanks for checking my story out, it surprises me that people are actually reading this, but thanks anyway.


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