First Impression

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"Where am I...?" I asked myself. I looked around and I was in a room. It was huge and exquisite. The ceilings were high, the floor was marble and there were glowing crystals hanging up on the ceilings in a pattern on the walls.

I tried to remember what happened, but all I remember was that, i shape shifted into a griffin, was roaming freely up in the sky and... an arrow went through my wing..

Ah yes, I was shot!
"Ugh! Curse whoever did this!"
I try to move but I couldn't. My wing still hurts. I examined my wing, and it looked like someone has already put some medicine and bandage on me. But who?
I was too weak to move and shape shift into my original form.

Normally i would change into my original form when i get injured or weak. But somehow, this time...i didn't. I really need to read the 'manual'. 
"Wait... manual... the book!? Where-"

"I'll check on it" I heard a voice and it was near. I went back to my position and pretended to be asleep.


"Faye, you don't know what that thing could do to you!" Pa warned, grabbing my arm "We don't know where it's from! It should be locked up tight in the dungeon right now!"

"It'll be fine. my instinct" i said calmly "And you know how i feel about the dungeon!"

Pa sighed as he let go of me.
"At least bring in the guards with you?"

I turned to him and raised a brow. He sighed louder as he signals the guards to step back.

I walked into the room to check on the creature. "Poor thing" I walk towards it.
It seemed to be asleep.

When the creature was found by my people two days ago, it was badly injured. No one dared to get closer to it. We've never seen such a peculiar being.
And it seemed like someone irresponsible shot an arrow through his wing

"Curse whoever did this" I said stroking its wing
"Agh" The creature screamed
"Oh my, I'm very sorry!" I said surprised, taking a step back

For a second, it looked surprised as i was, but it didn't look scared...Then the creature's expression changed into confusion... Curiousness


"What the? What is she? Why is she... blue? She's not human? Where am I? Could it be... did i find my way to the land of the unseen? Am i... home?" So many questions were running in my head in just a split second

"Where am i?" I asked the girl

"Fai... Wait, you speak!" She gasped
"This is great! We..we can communicate! " She jumped in excitement "What kind of creature are you?"

Her reaction was extraordinary to me. Normally people would get scared and run away.
But her question got me worried. Do i tell her that i'm a shape shifting creature because of a family curse or just a griffin?

"Yes, i speak. And im a griffin" there i went.
"Now, will you just.. answer the question?" I furrowed my brows


Wow he hes got an attitude!
Did he say he was a griffin?
I should've known! All those years studying secretly about the world outside the kingdom didn't really pay off i supposed.

"You're in Fairy Kingdom" I answered.

He then kept quiet again, gazing out the window. Then he turned his head to examine me once again.

"What are you?" He asked.


"What are YOU" he repeated


I really wanted to know what type of... creature she is.
She said that i was in Fairy Kingdom, but clearly she isn't a fairy. She has no wings ! Not that I've seen a fairy before... but i always hear stories of them with wings like butterflies. Just like the ones mother told me when i was younger...

She was still looking at me with her puzzled purple shades of eyes.
And then she finally spoke

"Oh! I'm a fair-"

"You let her in alone!?" A woman suddenly scream just outside the door


"Oh no" i said to myself thinking of the worse that could happen. Mother...

"Faye!" Mother barges in the room with Pa and the guards behind her. She didn't look happy.

She pulls me by the arm and signals the guards to surround the griffin.

The griffin looked horrified and starts shrieking as the guards point their spears directly at him.

"No, wait!" I shout, pulling my arm away from mother and ran towards the terrified creature.

"Faye, get back here!"

"It's alright, he's not vicious" i pled, protecting the griffin behind me.

"We don't know what that thing is!" Mother babbled still keeping her pace between us.


Wow. Just when i thought i'd be treated differently here...

"Its alright, he's not vicious" the girl pled.
She was protecting me...
I looked at her in surprise and impressed. She really wasn't afraid of me like the woman and the others that had just rudely interrupted us

But the one thing i noticed is that.. they all have wings. I guess i am at Fairy Kingdom after all.

"Now Faye..." the man behind the woman finally spoke
"No, Pa, he can speak!" The girl claimed, looking at me and then back at the others

They all paused, looking at each other and the room was quiet for a few seconds. The girl turned to me,
"It's okay, you can speak now" she said.

I looked at her and then back at the woman. She looked horrified by me. Nothing new there. "Um hi?"

Everyone in the room gasped.
"See. There's nothing to be afraid of now" the girl assured.


Mother looked relief and furious at the same time. 

"Amazing!" Pa gasped as he signals the guards to lower their spears.

"Yes, now that we know it can speak, we can finally interrogate with this.. creature." Mother scowled.

"He's a griffin" i stated "..And he must surely have a name... don't you?" I continued, looking back at the griffin

He hesitated to answer. His eyes were looking back and forth to mother,Pa and i.

"My...My name's...Lucas" he stammered.

"My name's Faye" i smiled.

He looked sharply into my eyes. Somehow I could see and feel the pain in his.
But oh my, I've never seen such unique eyes !

"Alright, Lucas... Where'd you come from and why are you here?" Mother asked him with fume.

"Mother..!" I scoffed

"We need to know how he made it through the barrier! Now, speak." Mother demanded as the guards point their spears to...Lucas.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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