Chapter 1

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A.N. Hey this is Bluehead1! This is my first FanFiction. I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

Percy Point Of View

I was walking to Goode High for a regular school day. A week ago I just defeated Kronos. But of course I have the rottenest luck ever! Just before I killed Kronos, he pulled a nasty trick. He made the mist disappeared. The gods can't figure out how he did, much less fix it. Even Hecate who is in charge of it can't seem to make the mist reappear! Now all mortals know that the Greek Myths are real.I just hope they will never ever EVER know that I am a demigod. But of course that doesn't work out. I just reach Paul's classroom. "Hey Paul!" I said.

"Hey Percy! How are you?" Paul replied.

"Good!" I sat in my seat in the back of the classroom. I always try to sit in the back since in school I am known as the loser. Nobody cares about me. I started getting lost in my thoughts when finally the bell rang signaling it was time for class to start. "Good Morning class! Today we have a new student today. Please Welcome Nancy Bobofit!" Paul said. 'NO NO NO NO NO!!!' I thought. I can't believe it. Nancy Bobofit is an old enemy of mine from Yancy Academy. She can't be here! I can't think of anything worse than her being here! " Now moving on to what we will be learning." Paul continued. "We will be reading some books of one of the best demigods this century."

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO N O N O NO NO NO NO! This can not be real this is way worse than Nancy Bobofit coming to Goode High!

"This demigod actually is in this room right now!" The whole class started whispering among each other, wondering who the demigod is. I slouched in my seat, hoping nobody sees me.

"Let's start reading the first book called The Lightning Thief."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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