*Being home alone

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My first time being home alone was awesome at first. I planned a barbecue party with my friends, but I got sick at that day. I still had to go to work and be there longer cause one of my co-workers could not make it to work. "Huh alright I can be until 9pm" I said. My shift was supposed to end at 3pm but more hey more money. "Great. Thank you a lot Alex" she said and ended the call. A customer was so annoying that I didn't focus cutting the bread open so i badly cut my arm. The customer screamed at me saying I was a bad employee but my co-workers backed me up. I got patches up and called my manager but she said that i need to finish my shift. I did and it was the longest shift ever.

My shift was longer then I imagine or was it because i was tired but i was happy i got to go home. Of course I had to clean so I got home at 11pm. I got so tired that i didn't eat my pizza. "Great it's late" I said when i looked at the time and then at my dog. "I'm sorry. I'll take a good walk with you tomorrow" I said at her and pat her head.

I got a bigger bed from my parents and my dog wasn't allowed to sleep on it. I brushed my teeth and heard my dog growling. I ignored it and thought it was just my sisters cat scaring her. I turned off the lights and closed my door before I laid down. I looked at the time and it was midnight. "Great last time i do late shifts" I said as i laid down.

I fell asleep with ease and had my back at my dog. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling something behind me. I didn't turn away and see what it was. I just knew it was my dog so I said "down". It moved. I fell asleep again and again in the middle of the night I woke up with the same feeling someone behind me. I again ignored it and said louder "DOWN". It moved again. I moved to face the door while i was sleeping and felt the same feeling again behind me. But my back was at my window and I was facing the door and next to my door was my dog....
Sleeping. I froze with the same feeling and noticed my door was open. I didn't say anything and didn't move. I tried to go back to sleep, but i couldn't.

I don't know how I fell asleep but when i did wake up at 7am and I looked at my dog sleeping calmly. I smiled and froze when I saw my door. Open. I remember I closed it but there it was. Open.

I called one of my friends to go and pick me up early to get me to my shift and i was lucky I got one of my co-workers I am working with to pick me up. "Hey Alex. What's up?" I didn't say anything and told him to go inside. He was confused but he walked in anyway. He looked at me and said "what's wrong is something wrong?" I told him that somethingis in my house. He laughed and pat my back and said to me that i was imagine it. "Maybe. I was working late yesterday so maybe i was seeing things" I said and my friend smiled. "See so don't wo....." he froze and told me with fear in his woice "there is something on your stairs". I looked at him and then at my stairs. We ran out with my dog as well and called the cops. As we were waiting for them I asked "what did you see?". He looked at my window and said "a face. But it looked like you but like you were dead". I stood there speechless.

As the cops came we told them everything and they didn't find any person. One of the cops walked to us and said "we didn't see anyone but we did see blood. Care to explain" I told them that I was taking a shower and I fell and cut my arm. I showed them my arm and they believed me. My and my friend hugged each other and drew my dog to one of my friends to stay. We started our shift but got screamed by our manager for being half an our late. She didn't believe us and sent us home.

Now I live with my friends and sold my house. I forgot about the accident back then but i got a phone call from the people who i sold the house to and they said to me. "Yes hello is this Alex? Hi we wanted to say why were you at our bedroom last night"

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