Scary Story

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          While the world can be a wonderful place full of aweing sights and people, there is also a dark creepy terrifying side to things. If someone gazes into the abyss the abyss shall gaze back into them. This is how the world will always be. Insanity, rape, gruesome murders, paranormal entities.The world is an unforgiving place, welcome to reality....
Little Girl-
         My name is Abby! Hi!.... I wish my brother would come back... When he comes home I'm no longer bored. My parents sent him away. My parents continuously try to explain how sick he is and he much he needs help. They always tell me how lucky I am that my brain isn't like his is. Whenever I complain about my boredom without my big brother they remind me that his boredom most definitely surpasses mine. I use to beg them to give him another chance...Of course, they did, or well they did at first I guess. He keeps coming back each time. Everytime without fail, it all starts again. The neighbourhood pets with chopped off limbs and guts falling out would show up in our toy chest, my mom's kitchen knifes found buried in dirt underneath the monkey bars, dad's saws with blood on them. My brother always tells me how to act and they think he's going to hurt me. But I don't understand, we always have fun together! They say his disorder makes him charming, makes it easy for him to fake normalcy, and to trick the doctors who care for him into thinking he is ready for rehabilitation. That I will just have to put up with my boredom if it means staying safe from him.
I hate it when he goes away because then I have to pretend to be good or else I'll get caught just like him.

         As time passed, the little girl grew up and with becoming more mature, she became more sly and cunning. She also became an infamous serial killer..... but then again who would've known? She never got caught. For my next story of doom and gloom, we talk about the most infamous serial killer in the world Luis Garavito also known as La Beastia. Luis Garavito was a child-murderer, torture-killer, and rapist known as "La Bestia" ("The Beast"). Confessed to killing 140 boys between 8 and 16 years old over a seven-year period in Colombia and neighboring countries. He is suspected of murdering over 300 victims, mostly street children. He was sentenced to 22 years. He died in prison and now lives in a bit of a different way.
La Beastia-
         My friend Lucas talks often about how he feels like someone is watching him shower and get undressed. I explain to him often how it's impossible, how ghosts aren't real. Well...... boy was I wrong. I'm thinking this, as my heart stutters undoubtedly, when I hear that low chuckle outside of my shower. I haven't looked yet but I know I just know..... Lucas didn't show up to school one day.... I should've known better. I look passed my curtain and see him.  An old man with wrinkles everything and blood on his fingertips watches me. I've seen this look before. It was in a picture he was writing the number 515. When I look again he's gone. I researched it and found that same picture but he was writing the number 1 and he seemed much younger..... then as I looked at the pictures he got older and the numbers got larger. My computer screen flickered when he was writing the number 516.... when it turned back on it said 517 and then I saw his silhouette in the reflection.
          Poor boy..... Never stood a chance did he?(laughs). La Beastia is one of my favorite ghosts, he never gets caught. He's been caught before and he learned from his mistake now didn't he? On to my next haunting story. This terrifying tale is about the Macatov family... a family of born psychopaths turned serial killers. They targeted young 5 year old girls... they often kidnapped the girls kept them for a year and then disposed of the body in a dumpster. When found, the girls were in pieces literally. They would find one the bigger parts of the girl first like her torso or a leg or arm.... then they would find her hands and feet. However, the police never found the heads, even after they caught the family the heads were not found... With that let's get onto the story...
Joseph Macatov-
    The little girl, I see. She has beautiful blonde hair. She has beautiful blue eyes. The little girl, I see. She is not my girl yet though. We have to wait until the right time, then and only then, she will be mine. I see her playing with a butterfly, it's just as pretty as she. The little girl, I see. The little girl I see, is now to be mine. I watch her mother leave her, just as mine did me. I watched her mother leave, it's my time to be.
    Well uhh.. I'm going to cut that one short.... We all know what happened to that little girl he once saw. Now of course as all things, this story must come to an end. For those of you who have listened..... maybe next time instead of paying attention to me, you would pay attention to who's behind you.

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