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look, a tree

its so hard, yet the gentlest i've ever seen

i can feel each ridge in the bark, each crease from each leaf

they say that tree's make it so we can breathe but if that's true why am i so out of air?

the air is turning grey, i don't know if it's just me or the smoke anymore.

pass, pass, pass again. the tree still looks the same, but every time i stare at it.

teach me something, make me feel brand new. 

twitch, twitch, touch. the bark is slowly getting softer.

the hair on my neck stands up, the branches grab me and pull me into the air

it swings me through the air, clean fresh air.

i've never been this high, felt this good, been this free.

we are taking care of him, he will be okay, protect it. 

the tree drops me, and i leave it. it's betrayed me for the final time.

it can take all it's stupid oxygen and shove it up its ass,

its just a placebo. 

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