'Cause Im Tap Tap Tapping On The Glass

22 1 3

"C'mon, honey. We need to go or we'll be late!"

Evan sighed, looking at his bedroom door. Hearing his mother's voice was always calming, well mostly, but now, he just wished he hadn't heard it at all. His mother's voice only means one thing, school time. Now, Evan may never want to go, sometime's because of his anxiety and sometime's because he's being a teenager, but for this day it's deffinitely the anxiety. You see, he and his mom switched towns, so mom could have a better job. New town means new school, new school means meeting new people. Evan isn't really great at that, if you couldn't already tell.

Not wanting to make his mom late, he stood up from his bed, already missing the soft green covers. Quickly going to the door, he opened it and was met with the face of his mother. Her fake grin and her tired eyes. Evan felt a pank of guild in the pith of his stomach, she works so much, they need all the money they can get and why? Because he just need's to be a fuck up, he need's therapy and medicine and he even chased away his own father, because of that his mom need's to work extra hours, since their dad doesn't send money and doesn't want anything to do with them, with him.

"Look at you! You look great." Heidi, his mom, chirped happily, clapping her hands together. Evan smiled but it propably looked like a grimace, since Heidi looked at him worriedly. "Honey..." She started, fixing his hear a little bit. "I know you are worried, but I assure you it's going to end well. Meeting new people is scary, I know, but think of this as a chance for a change, chance for new friends!" Her grin was back, patting his shoulders, she went into the room.

Evan know's she means well and he want's to believe her words, but who would want to be his friend? Let's be honest, who would want to be friends with a kid who stutters all the time, has sweaty hands and can't even say his thoughts, because he is afraid of being judged? But he didnt say any of that, he doesn't want to worry Heidi.

"Anyway, did you started the letter? The one Dr. Sherman want's you to do? 'Dear Evan Hansen, this is going to be a good day and here's why!" She said when she didn't get any responce from Evan, she opened the curtains to let some light in. Evan looked at his own shoes (They are not going to judge him for his shoes, right?), before looking up at his mom again. "I'm g-going t-t-to make one a-at s-s-school." When Heidi looked at him, he rolled his eyes playfully, well, he hoped it looked playful. "I p-promise, mom!"

Heidi's smile never left, in fact, it got slighly widder. "If you say so. Well! Grab your bag, we need to go, we don't want you to be late!" And with that, she left the room.

Evan sighed, he checked he has everything (For the 8th time in the last 10 minuts.), before he went downstairs. There were still lot of boxes with their stuff lying around, well it made sense, they did moved here yesterday, it would have been a miracle if they could get the house ready in just one day. He let out a yelp when he nearly tripped over one of the boxes, god, he really need's to watch where's he going.

Heidi was already waiting for him at the door and Evan felt guildy once more for making his mom wait again. "You ready?" She asked, as she was opening the door. Evan nodded, than spoke up when he realized his mom couldn't see him, since she had her back facing him. "Y-Yeah." He followed her out of the door, already hating the sun in his eyes. They got into the car, an old blue Hyundai i10. The ride was silent, as it always is. Heidi never really know's what to say, she is scared of saying the wrong thing and making Evan panic, she know's she should know how to talk to her own son, but she doesn't know the right way to him.

As Heidi stopped in front of the school, she turned around to face her son. "Have a good day at school, Ev. If something happen's, Im just a phone call away." She kissed him on the forehead, which got her a small sound of protest from Evan. He got out of the car and waved at his mom as she drove away.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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