Jail time.

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I'm fourteen now, the judges held up my court date for one year, one whole year sitting in a prison cell, I wasn't allowed out on bail, one year to think about what Jack lead me into and set me up, I've got a lot of questions for that boy! I thought he loved me but he just throws me to the wolves like a piece of meat! Well my court date is tomorrow, I'm pleading guilty but my lawyer said it'll be good to tell a sob story, so I'll just tell them about how messed up my mind is because of Daniel and my dad did to me when I was younger, hopefully the jury will feel some sympathy and let me of easily. We'll just have to see tomorrow.

Prison beds are worse then prison food, and that's saying something, the are hard like concrete, no matt really how many times you twist and turn you will never find a comfortable spot, it's worse how nervous I am about the court case in the morning. For tea I had a single sausage and spinach, this is not a good combination for all you cooks out there, I wouldn't feed that to my dog, well if I had a dog, but you get my point.

Finally morning has come and I'm trying to smarten myself up for court, my lawyer csme to talk to me today.

"So you got a very upsetting sob story to tell these idiots to get your self of the hook?" asked my lawyer Joel, you've gotta love him, he doesn't care what bad a crime you've done he'll always try to get you of and into freedom.

"Of corse I have, you know me" I joke

"Come on then, make me cry" he jokes straight back.

"My cruel daddy hit me when I lived with him and my brother, Daniel raped me nearly every night, I am messed up, I can't be reliable for my actions when I have been beaten and used so many times, it was so hard getting through these two years living with them monsters" I sarcastically say making my voice cracks now and again.

"Perfect, Brava!" he shouts and gives me a standing ovation.

"thank you, thank you" I joke while doing a few bows here and there.

"What would be even better if you started crying at the end" he suggests.

"Okai" I giggle " I'm ready" I announce.

"Let's get going then" and we march down to the court room, with every step my heart is pounding in my chest, I really hope I can pull this off, then unwilling get Jack back for betraying me, this time I won't get caught doing so!

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2014 ⏰

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