Sugar|Holding Hands

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At a certain point, you came to realize that simply walking next to him wasn't enough. Your evening walks were missing something, something you couldn't put your finger on.

Tonight was one of those evenings. The sun painted the clouds gold as it set behind them. All around, orange and crimson leaves scraped across the pavement, carried by wind. Sparsely leaved tree limbs reached like dark scratches into the sunset.

The only thing you could hear was the symphony of rustling leaves, crickets singing, and your own footsteps against the concrete.

The scene was picturesque, plucked straight from a dream. But there was just one detail that wasn't there!

The two of you walked through the brisk air as you contemplated what might be missing. It wasn't until his knuckles accidentally brushed against yours that the realization finally hit.

Happily, and a little nervously, you put your hand into his, looking up into his eyes. He glanced down at you, then down at your hands. A smile graced his lips and he locked his fingers with yours.

You sighed with content. You'd found the missing piece of the puzzle.
A/N: Short and sweet, just how I  like it.
To reiterate, don't be afraid to drop a request (or a vote, a-wink)!
If you're interested in having me write for a fandom, I'm down, provided that I'm in it. (I.e. Hamilton, Heathers, bmc, bnha, etc.)
Finally, thanks for checking this out! It means a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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