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Adam's P.O.V.

See that boy over there? The one with glasses and long blonde hair? That's me. Adam Ericson. The geek. The nerd. I'm sure you all know that one person who is really nice, and kind, but is really geeky and you don't want to be seen hanging around with him. Yup? Good. Coz that friend is me. I'm tall, I'm skinny, I've got muscles, but I make sure that I do not show them, for fear of being told to join the football team. So I wear cardigans and baggy jeans. I have waist length blonde hair that constantly gets in my face. However, the upside to this is that I get to wear beanies and look okay.

That other boy, over there, with the brown wavy hair and waistcoat? That is Vince. He is my friend. My only friend. He is kinda short, he is plump (aw bless) and has absolutely no muscle or motivation at all. I like to go for a jog or a swim when I get stressed, but he sits and eats donuts or whatever. He is exceedingly clever though, and I like him for that. Not in that way. Pfft. Puh-lease. I am straighter than a plank of wood. And so is Vince.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my two favourite nerds. What are you studying? Maths? Haha. You've got to be kidding. The test isn't until Friday, and it's, um, Tuesday?" Halt. That is Danny Parkers. He is the popular guy. You know, the one that is cocky and has so many friends that I can't imagine how invites all of them to his parties. He has red hair, that isn't as long as mine, but is definitely long enough to fall in his eyes. He is on the school football team, and he is captain. Yet another reason I don't want to join. The only reason I know this guy? I share an apartment with him. Not my choice. Trust me.

"Danny, if you've come here purely to gloat, please go and gloat at some toddler, because I don't have the time for this right now." I said, looking him straight in the eye. I noticed Vince roll his eyes and duck his head to study some more algebra. Danny raised an eyebrow menacingly, while his cronies chuckled and squared their shoulders. I squared my own, ready for a fight.

"You know you're playing with fire, don't you, Ericson?" Oh dear. I'd crossed the line. Danny only calls me Ericson when he is seriously pissed off.

"What, worried I might get burnt, Parkers?" I said quietly, and what I hoped was menacingly. Again, Danny's cronies chuckled. Danny picked me up by me collar and threw me against a wall. He held me there, while his 'friends' crowded around, eager to see any action that might occur.

"You know, I really hate you, Ericson. I think you are a piece of filth that needs cleaning up." I looked into his eyes, and saw a burning hate that made me shudder. He dropped me to the floor, but before I could stand properly, he kicked me in the appendix. I doubled over, groaning in pain. He threw another punch in my direction, causing my nose to started bleeding. I wasn't worried, as this was a sort of routine for me now, until Danny's face swam into a wobbling haze, and I felt a wet, sticky substance trickle down my neck. Danny's punch must have pushed my head into the wall behind me. I moaned, and tried to stand up. I saw Danny's eyes flicker uncertainly in my direction. As soon as he saw my condition, he bolted, taking his cronies with him. The last thing I saw was Vince darting inside and yelling for a teacher.

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