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Why wish for an apocalypse when the world is ending right before your very eyes?

I quickly weave my way in between the monstrous trees of the humid Georgia woods. I don't know exactly where I'm going, but I don't really care. Everything has been falling apart for me, anyway. Why should I care if I live to see the next sunrise? Why not just give up and shoot myself just for the heck of it? Why not?


Maybe it's stupid, maybe it isn't. You can't blame me for trying. It isn't like there's anything else to depend on these days. Mom told me to have hope, and I thought I was going to follow her orders until the day I die.

Staying at Woodbury, though, that is one thing I refuse to do for my mother.

It isn't like she lived to tell me otherwise.

Ah, good ol' Woodbury. That man, The Governor, isn't he charming.


He killed my family. My mother. My father. Thank God my older sister took my little brother and bailed while she had the chance. Mom and Dad were stupid enough to fall for it, and when it was too late, bam. Another one bites the dust. Two more, for that matter.

I'm determined to kill that son of a bitch.

He's probably looking for me, but it doesn't matter. I'll slaughter every single one of his henchmen, saving him for last.

I'm going to sneak into Woodbury tomorrow night.

"Nice diary, Seren! Let's see what The Governor himself has to say about this!" I feel a sharp pain stab through my left thigh.

Bam. Out like a light.

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