Taylor Caniff Fan Fiction

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I've been writing this on paper, but it takes too long....... soooo here I go.

You nervously paced around your room, wondering if your boyfriend, Taylor was going to show up. This was the first time you had actually ever dressed up. Your black hair was perfectly curled, you were wearing a red strapless dress that went just above the knee, making your boobs and curves popped out more than they already did, your hazel eyes looked gorgeous. All of a sudden you hear the doorbell. You grab your phone and calmly walk downstairs.

"I love your daughter, sir"

You couldn't help but smile.

"Wow Tatum, you look amazing"

"Not bad yourself Taylor"

Who am I kidding, he looked hot as hell.

"Tatum, do you have a sweater or something you could wear?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Look down"

"Taylor, I can't help that"

"Please baby?!"


You walk downstairs and Taylor puts the corsage on your wrist.

"Tatum, I love you"

"I love you too"

*skips car ride*

"Taylor, I can't believe this is the last dance of the year. This prom will be amazing"

"I'm just glad I get to spend it with you"

After showing you off to his friends, you guys go off to find Dillon, Matt, Carter, Jack G., Jack J., Shawn, Nash, and Gabby (best friend).

*Talking to Carter*

"Hey sugga momma"

"Haha, hey Carter"

"We haven't talked much lately, that needs to change"

"It will Carter"

All the boys say their hellos.

Talking to Gabby

"OMFG hey Tatum, I've missed you soooooo much" she said as she hugged you.

"I've missed you too"

"Summer hangovers here we come!!!" you both just laugh. 

"Tatum, I don't like it when you drink "

"Tay, baby, have some fun"

He "ugghheed" and put his hands around your waist from behind.

"So Tatum, how are you and Cameron holding up?"

You started tearing up.

Cameron was your bestest guy friend ever. You loved him as a brother. You could change in front of him and he wouldn't stare, he was so nice to you. He was always there. You remembered that Cameron promised you that he would dance with at your prom. He promised you at the beginning of the school year. During the middle of the school year, his mom got a job transfer and he had to move to Florida.

"I'm not doing so good, I miss him so much. I want to physically see him, we snapchat, text, call each other, facetime, but it's not the same"

"Oh, Tatum don't cry"

"Taylor, you dont understand"

"Yes, cause if you moved, I would feel the exact same way"

How could you tell him you were going to be moving at the end of the Summer. I'll move in with Gabby, she already said I could. But what if things change?

"I have an announcement.............Tatum, somebody wants to talk to you" - Shawn

You walk up towards the stage, Taylor following. You see a huge screen, with Cameron's YouTube channel pulled up on it, It was titled "For Tatum on Prom Night" I was crying already, but I wore water-proof makeup, cause I knew I would be reminded of Cameron somehow.

Shawn hit play.

"Hey Tatum, I miss you so much. Florida has been a bummer without you. I hope you and Taylor are having a good time so far at prom. I'm sorry I couldn't make it Tatum. I know I pinky promised I would dance with you at prom, and trust me, I want more than anything to be there right now, I really do. I would do anything just to hug you right now, and to keep my promise? I would walk deserts upon deserts. Well, I just wanted to tell you I love you, I miss you, and I'm soo sorry. Well bye."

You were now crying so hard, you couldn't see anything your eyes were so blurry. You didn't know what to do. 

"Tatum, stop crying, the video isn't over, I wouldn't leave you that fast, I have to tell you one more thing gorgeous ----------------- turn around"

You turn around to see Cameron in a tux, smiling ear to ear.

"CAMERON?!?!?!!? YOU MADE IT. YOU ACTUALLY MADE IT, OMG I LOVE YOU. You scared me on that YouTube video, I was legit about to go home and watch our "Trip To The Bahamas" video"

"Haha, I told you I wouldn't miss it for the world, and that's what I meant"

"Thank you Cameron, I love you so much. I've missed you more than anything"

"I love you too, Tatum"

Shawn starts singing a song, but not just any song. It was yours and Cameron's friendship song. 

"My Best friend" by Tim McGraw

"I swear you planned this out, spill it"

"Haha, me, Carter, Shawn, Gabby, and Taylor put this together for you"

"Omg, I sooo owe them"

"Yeah, big time, but for now, I think I owe you this dance, Tatum, will you do me the honor of dancing with me?"

"Yes, yes I will"

He takes your hand, and pulls you out onto the dance floor, he puts his hands tightly around your waist, and you put your hands tighly around his neck, and the two of you dance until the song is over.

"Thanks for showing Cam, it really means alot"

"I'm gonna be staying here in California for a while, your birthday is tomorrow, and we all have something planned"

"What is it?"

"You'll just have to wait and see"


Taylor Caniff Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now