The begining

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Hi, I'm a 13 year old girl named Cassandra Winter, who has a horrible life with my little brother, Hunter. He isn't exact brother people usually have. Hunter has autism and he can't speak a lot, he doesn't listen to anyone, and he ALWAYS ruins everything for me. But hopefully that will change with the new next door girl moving in. So, here's my story.


"Cassandra! Can u watch Hunter while I go and get some grocery's?"my mother yelled as I rested in my bed.

"Sure mom!" I replied.

"Ok, I will only be gone 20 minutes!" she said as she walked out the back door.

Sure. That's what she always says. It always ends up being an hour.

"CASSY!!!" Hunter screams to me.

I run in his room, "Hunter what's wrong!?!?"

"Hi!!!!" He says.

"That's all you wanted? I thought you were hurt!" I yelled

"No... sorry I won't do it again." he says in his sad tone.

Great, this is going to be the worst summer of my life....


Hey guys,

Tell me what u think so far and please vote if u want to see me write more of this. Sorry it's short though but I don't have a lot of time today. Making Chapter 2 soon and yes it will be longer and better. Tell me what u guys think.

Don't worry I will be updating this but I just have writers blog right now so I gotta think.

Love ya's

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