Story Time (Chapter 1)

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Mount Ebott. They say whoever climbs up the mountain never returns. One day a girl went up the mountain simply because she was curious. I know you guys think I am talking about Frisk but no. This girls name was Kennedy. Her soul was special. It wasn't just determination or kindness in fact it was a lot it was just missing patience. Some say it even had some monster. Anyways back to the story. As she climbed the up she found a cave. It was beautiful. As she walked around she wasn't paying attention. Suddenly she fell into a deep hole! She screamed "HELP HELP I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" She landed but to her surprise she wasn't dead. She looked around. She had never seen a place so beautiful. She heard something in the next room but before that she remembered that she had her phone. She looked and somehow she had WiFi? Confused she tried to call her mom when it didn't work Kennedy cried. Kennedy eventually stood up and continued walking. She went through a doorway and found a little golden flower. "Howdy I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower." Kennedy yelled " AHHHHHHH A TALKING FLOWER." Flowey rolled his eyes and said " Golly you must be so confused, let me show you how things work around here." They entered a battle room where Flowey was amazed with her soul. Flowey continued even though he was distracted by Kennedy's soul " Down here LOVE is spread through little white "friendliness pellets" well you want some LOVE don't you. Move around catch as many as you can. Somehow Kennedy knew she shouldn't touch them so instead she dodged them. Now Flowey was angry and threw more and more. And then he burst. He said "Down here it's Kill or be killed, now DIE!!!" She shouted for someone to save her then out of nowhere came a fire ball. It blasted Flowey away. Then a large Fluffy white monster entered the battle and said "What a missreble creature torturing such poor innocent youth. Do not be afraid my child for I am Toriel Caretaker of the Ruins. What is your name?" Kennedy replied " K-Kennedy my name is Kennedy." Toriel continued saying " Why then hello Kennedy. It is nice to meet you. I shall guide you through the ruins."

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