Part 1

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"They look like girls, Jade." Jade begins scrolling through her fan account on instagram then making a pouty face. "Please look, he's so cuute! How can you not see it!" She pleads again for the millionth time sense she got into this chines group. I ignore her and continue painting my nails a glossy matte black color. My best friend Jade was a major fangirl over these dude/chicks. They were totally gay, I mean if you ever look up the term BTS all you'll see is pink hair, plump lips with lip gloss and sexy poses. Its screaming gay. But hey, I'm not judging. The only thing I'm judging is Jade, who tries to convince me to 'Pick a Bias'. Whatever the hell that means. Shes a sweet girl and my best friend but ever sense she got into this stuff I swear its been driving me crazy. And she's obsessed with the word  "Oppa." Like kill yourself. Oppa really? Is that like some kind of chines kink word? I'm so confused. But whatever it is, shes in love. I sometimes wish she would pay more attention to me than to those dudes on her phone screen. Maybe if I pretended to like them, would we become closer? She doesn't even love and cherish school like she used to, I asked her about it once. " Hey Jade can I borrow your notes for tomorrows unit test?" I asked as she took a picture with her fingers crossed as if she was getting ready to snap her fingers. "Oh shit! I haven't gotten around to it. I've been busy making a gift for Jungkook oppa for his birthday." She says as she sighs as if she's in love. I really despise that word, OPPA. It sounds like a disease. I nod then take her phone away from her, "Jade...This Bts stuff is really getting out of hand...Its effecting your grades. What is going on? I understand you are dedicated to the fandom and all but seriously. Take a break and live you own life." Jade frowns as her eyes begin to tear up. She sighs and says, "You don't understand Max. Do you think Bts take the time out of their lives for themselves? They are dedicated to army at all times! They work for army they are constantly sending love to army. THEY LOVE US. Army is their life! So if army is their life, than BTS is mine!" She snatches her phone away and storms off. She was making a big deal out of nothing but eventually she came to her senses and apologized to me, but never studied for exams. She failed 50% of the exams that week. And didn't think nothing of it. She got her test back "OMG bts" she sees her grade "OMG BTS." Hell her fucking mom dies, "OMG bts!" How is that even possible?! This crap of a group is taking over my best friends life and nobody is doing anything about it. 

I decided to stop talking to her for a week. I had enough of this kpop bullshit. But every day she called and/or texted saying "Ohmigosh did you see the new selcas bts posted on twitterrrrrrr??????" Yeah I'm weak, I just replied saying, "No send it to me." Just so I wouldn't mistakenly hurt her feelings when I tell her that I dont really care about their selca. 

Anyway, enough about my friend. Yeah she's just a friend now. 

Today was my first day working as a architect. I finally graduated from college at the age of  18 and got a nice job working for the government. Its complicated. My parents have  big deal with the government. My moms a spy my dads a lawyer and I'm an architect. We live in a big suburban house with a huge yard and a two car garage. Its pretty neat we moved in last year when we decided to live in LA. I would like to have my own place but why waste my heart earned dollars on something my dad could pay for me?

I decide to wear a navy blue thigh length dress with black combat boots and black formal gloves. I wore these dorky braces, sense college. I should have gotten them in high school but my parents always believed I wouldn't need my teeth to be straight if I wasn't doing anything important with my life. Back then I wanted to be a model which I still do but I save that dream for another time. Anyway, my dorky braces are colored black to match my theme, Jade helped me out on this one. At least she's good for something. A small office woman nods me over to her desk, I walk over nervously, "Hello Miss um....?" She asks for my last name politely. I give her a nervous smile and say, "Hood. Miss.Hood." The woman smiles and searches up the name on her laptop.  Her eyes widen. "Woooow...Ms.Hood, the architect. I'm impressed." The woman who's name I found it is Jane Stewart, hands me a sheet of paper. "Do me a favor and  fill this out for me." I go and sit in the small office chairs and start filling out my information on the paper slowly. I stick my tongue out the side of my mouth and hum one of those stupid chines songs that Jade always plays. Something about DNA that's literally the only english word in the whole song. Anyway as I continue to fill out the paper work I hear a voice behind me but  I don't really acknowledge it. "Well well well, who do we have here? A new chick to mess with?" Says the voice its deep but squeaky at the same time. No idea how that's possible. Another voice sounds, "She looks cute too, look at that ass."  this one pure deep and sexy. I wonder who they are talking to, I honestly thought I was the only new person in the company but apparently not. I look up from my paper to see who they were talking to, but it seems to be I am the only girl in the waiting room besides Jane. I look at the two men, who are wearing black suit pants and white button up shirts they look exactly alike so I assume they are twins of some sort. Their eyes are on me, one checking out my outfit and the other staring into my eyes. I blush and than smile giving them a good view of my braces, "I'm Max Hood, the new architect. I'm sure you've heard about me." The one on the left, staring into my eyes finally comes out of his daze and says, "Oh yeah of course we heard about you. Nice to me you I'm Samuel. And this is my brother James." James speaks up, "Yeah we heard about you, just had no idea you were this good looking." I blush harder as I am flattered by their personalities. They were cute, but not my type. I love the attention though. I walk  over to Jane and hand her my papers. She smiles and starts typing in the information I wrote down. "Boys why don't you show Miss Hood to her new office."  James, I think, walks over to me and says closely to my ear "You'll love it here. And if you can't get comfortable enough, I can help." I look at him in disbelief and roll my eyes as we walk into the elevator, "Haha...Yeah no thanks I think I'm good." I say as Samuel presses the number two button. When the elevator goes up. I close my eyes and think about what adventures will I encounter as an architect. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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