This Soil ⌖ n.h.

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This Soil n.h.

I suppose they were both simply looking for a reason to keep going. Just not in each other.

But that's where they found it.

[© 2014, _mudpuddles. All Rights reserved. This work contains material protected under international and federal copyright laws and treaties. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without express written permission from _mudpuddles.]


definite timeline has not yet been established. however, it is certain that this story takes place sometime between 1917 and 1918, so during world war one (in america). it is the third book in the "troublesome times" one direction au series, and the series is independent, meaning that you can read the books out of order because they follow different characters and different story lines, but the big picture of world war one might be easier to understand if you read them in order.

this is dedicated to @lumiere_ bc duh she is fabulous

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