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She just slammed the door in my face, what the hell mum. "Come on mum, at least give me a coat or something. What about my phone ... AMD MY CHARGER!" I yell at the door but I feel as if my calls go unnoticed.

This isn't the first time this has happened, she has a habit now of kicking her kids out, first my older brother and now me. Would you call that a habit? It has happened twice now, out of two children, Hmmmm I will have to research into that.

Looks like I am gonna have to break in and get some stuff till she cools off, maybe Jess can let me sleep over once I have my things, I sure wish I had a coat cause it is getting cold at night.

Mum always watches her shows till 10:30pm then she is normally asleep by 11pm, last I checked it was 10pm so give it around two hours and I will try my room window.

Now how to keep warm for two hours hmmmm. I walk around the yard for a bit trying to keep warm but it is not helping, I find myself outside my room window. The lights are still on but I don't care at this point cause I can't feel my toes.

I crack my window open and get into my room, as I am walking around my room, missing all the old floor boards, I hear my mums heavy feet coming towards my room. Shit. I find myself under my bed with a blanket to hide me just as she enters my room. What is she doing? Maybe she misses me. She sits on my bed and for about five minutes I swear she does nothing. Maybe she has cooled down?

Then she starts to cry, don't cry mum, I'm here under my bed safe and here.

Just as I am about to get out I hear a smash.

The photo frame Jess got me for my sixteenth is now smashed on the ground, I'm sure I can replace the glass but next thing I know she starts smashing more things. MY THINGS. My phone, photos, snow globes and everything glass or anything she can smash is now on my ground in one million pieces.

I lose it when I see the photo frame my dad made me smashed to the ground, she picks the picture up, the last picture I have of my father and myself, and she rips it. Again and again I hear the sound of paper being torn. With each rip I feel tears run down my face.

How dare she, she knew the meaning behind that picture yet she keeps ripping. She drops what is left of the photo and walks out the room and closes the door.

I got out from my bed and started packing, I am never coming back. I pack some clothes for the coming winter, wearing extra just so I have more options. I pick all the pieces of that photo of my father and myself up and put it some where safe. I didn't have enough room in my two bags and as I was about to leave it hits me.

My guitar my older brother bought me. I could use the case as a bag, as I was opening the case I hear my mother coming.

Fuck. I have never opened a window that fast, throwing my two backpacks out and the guitar case and as I am half way out the door opens up.

"Lea! Are you breaking into my house and stealing my things!" My mother yells at me from my window. I am already running but I swear I hear something from my mother that breaks my heart.

" I am calling the police for breaking and entering and look at the mess you have made. Oh and the theft"

It's just me and my guitar. {Lea Sheeran}Where stories live. Discover now